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Thread: FLR Question - name change

  1. #1
    Respected Member BazJaz's Avatar
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    FLR Question - name change

    Hi All,

    So what is the correct procedure after marriage as my wife surname will have changed to mine.

    I assume FLR visa will take name from current passport, which will be in her maiden name, (in our case ex husbands surname - hence wanting to change it ASAP) so can we get passport changed, then apply FLR before the "Fiancee" visa runs which would be 4 month after our wedding, or is it assumed after marriage ur fiancee visa is void and you need a FLR soonist



  2. #2
    Respected Member angellegwen's Avatar
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    I just got my BRP today and its still on my single family name after I applied for an FLR(M). Maybe some other members here can give us an idea what to do.
    Always look on the bright side of life

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The passport is the key.
    BRP and passport should be the same.

    The Philippine Embassy normally get the Passport done with 4-5 weeks (it has to go to Manila).
    Personally, I say it's risky.
    Get married, immediately after the wedding apply for FLR(M), you don't need to wait any longer.
    When the FLR(M) is approved and the BRP is received, then have the name changed on the passport, then have the BRP updated to match the passport.

    Might sound long winded, but in my opinion the safest possible route.
    Once that passport is out of your hands so is the ability to apply for FLR(M)
    Just my 2 cantavos

  4. #4
    Respected Member angellegwen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The passport is the key.
    BRP and passport should be the same.

    The Philippine Embassy normally get the Passport done with 4-5 weeks (it has to go to Manila).
    Personally, I say it's risky.
    Get married, immediately after the wedding apply for FLR(M), you don't need to wait any longer.
    When the FLR(M) is approved and the BRP is received, then have the name changed on the passport, then have the BRP updated to match the passport.

    Might sound long winded, but in my opinion the safest possible route.
    Once that passport is out of your hands so is the ability to apply for FLR(M)
    Just my 2 cantavos
    Thank you Sir Terpe. I have a follow up question.

    My current passport will expire on May 2016. I have to apply for the ILR visa by March 2015. If I don't change my BRP to married name & so with my passport, do you think it would affect the future application of my ILR? Which is better, have it changed now or after I get my ILR? Pls enlighten me. Thank you.

    By the way, Sir Terpe there's a leaflet enclosed with my BRP.It says
    4.1 You need to tell us as soon as you can if: change your name, for example because of marriage or deed poll change your gender legally or permanently;
    ..U change ur nationality
    ..ur facial appearance changes dramatically
    4.2 If you have any personal details listed under
    4.1 you will need to apply for a new permit within three month. To do this you should complete and submit a replacement form BRP (RC), available at If you do not, you may face a financial penalty of up to £1000 or have your permission to stay limited (also known as curtailed)

    It makes me confuse, sorry for so many questions, just that my husband wont be home until Sunday.
    Always look on the bright side of life

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