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Thread: set m visa application for citizenship

  1. #1
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    set m visa application for citizenship

    hi has anybody had any difficulty providing 6 letters in joint names or six letters in each of your names for the requirments in section eleven of the form, all my wifes letters she has addressed to her at our address are under her maiden name ,same as on her passport and her biometric resident permit,we have had great difficulty changing her name on any thing such as utility bills etc as she doesnt have three forms of identification in our married name. any information regarding this would be a great help ,thanks

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesy View Post
    hi has anybody had any difficulty providing 6 letters in joint names or six letters in each of your names for the requirments in section eleven of the form, all my wifes letters she has addressed to her at our address are under her maiden name ,same as on her passport and her biometric resident permit,we have had great difficulty changing her name on any thing such as utility bills etc as she doesnt have three forms of identification in our married name. any information regarding this would be a great help ,thanks
    I'm guessing you mean SET(M) form for ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain)

    Try not to get too hung up on documents/letters with both your names.
    Although that's the simplest it's often not the easiest.
    The requirement from UKBA is principally to demonstrate that you have been living together at the same address (and still do) throughout the 2 years probationary period.

    The documents should be either joint names or individual.
    Caseworkers have to base their decision on "the balance of probability" that have been and still are co-habiting
    There's no problem in your partner using maiden name or married name or a combination of the two.

    There's really no strict set of documents.
    The dates of the letters or documents should spread over the whole 2 years qualifying period and they should be from at least 3 different sources.
    If there are problems the just provide an explanation, with some other evidence to prove you have been together at the same address.

    Some of the most common examples include:-

    Driving License
    TV License
    Electricity Bills
    Gas Bills
    Water Bills
    Council Tax Letters/Bills
    Bank/Building society statements
    Bank letters
    Marriage Certificate
    Registry Office Letters
    NHS medical cards
    Letters from GP
    Sports club membership cards
    Insurance Quotes
    Letters from Church Organisations
    National Insurance appointment letters
    Letters from government departments or agencies (eg Home Office,HM Revenue and Customs, Dept for Work and Pensions, DVLA and TV Licensing etc)
    Personal letters from friends/family etc
    Letters or other documents from your GP, a hospital or other local health service about medical treatments
    Mobile phone bills/letters
    Telephone bills or statements
    Mortgage statements/agreement
    Tenancy agreement(s)
    Loan agreements
    AA,RAC or similar membership
    Membership of a religious organisation

    Hope this gives some ideas

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    its more about the address that the letters have been posted too, but what about her bank account is that in her married name, like Terp says dont get to worried, but we all do,

  4. #4
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    thanks for the help,most appreciated

  5. #5
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    yes its all a bit worrying ,i personally beleive that whoever dreams all these visa application forms up ,are just out to try and destroy,other peoples happieness,iv lived abroad over the years and have never come across so much red tape ,its rules for some and rules for others as far as i can see regarding people wanting to immigrate to the uk ,the genuine ones are the ones who get treated the terribly,and the rest of them are just free to walk in as they please ,but when it comes down to public opinnion,they class all immigrants as being the same,i suppose thats just down to the common ignorance of a lot of people here ,,any way steve iv just jumped off my soap box for now ,and would like to say thanks for your help

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