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Thread: Hi there, I'm from Northern Portugal

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Northern Portugal
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    Hi there, I'm from Northern Portugal

    I married 15 years ago a Brit that lived in Jersey C.I .Before I met him I lived in BAAO Iriga. Moved to the IOM in 2000 and then moved to Northern Portugal in 2007. We are both retired but keep my self fully occupied with Self Sufficient Organic Gardening, an Avon rep., make my own jewellery and I am very much involved in the local Expat Community. My husband & I run our own web site LINK REMOVED. Out of an Expat population of just over 500 people there are only 8 Filipinos. I love Face Book so I would love to hear from you My full name is Noeme Dayag Bayrante Judge. I have just celebrated my BIG 50, Norman my husband has just made a video of the event

    Last edited by raynaputi; 3rd April 2013 at 21:54. Reason: Removed Link

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Can you tell me why you removed my NON COMMERCIAL URL LINK REMOVED which tells everyone all about where I live and what we do but in the food section there are hundreds of commercial URL links. I have made 60 vidoes over the last three years all of which are very interesting, it would be nice if we could get more Filipinos up here even for a holiday so that we can increase the tiny population of just 8.
    Last edited by Terpe; 4th April 2013 at 09:19. Reason: link removed

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nandnjudge View Post
    Can you tell me why you removed my NON COMMERCIAL URL LINK REMOVED which tells everyone all about where I live and what we do but in the food section there are hundreds of commercial URL links. I have made 60 vidoes over the last three years all of which are very interesting, it would be nice if we could get more Filipinos up here even for a holiday so that we can increase the tiny population of just 8.
    Hello nandnjudge, welcome to the forum.

    No offence intened here nandnjudge, but I'm sure you can understand that new first time posters are subject to some security restrictions.

    Please may I draw you attention to this forum thread Attention all newbies...before posting....please read!

    Once again, a reminder that new members are NOT allowed to post any links until you have made 15 or more posts. Please don't waste your time trying, as the forum software will put your post into moderation, and the offending post will be deleted and the user banned.
    I hope you'll be able to accept this. Especially as this was your second attempt to circumvent the forum rules.
    Please have a little understanding, you'll have plenty of opportunities to post appropriate links later.

  4. #4
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    Noeme, I enjoyed watching your birthday video, thank you for sharing.

    May I wish you a belated happy half-century birthday

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hello there, thank you for those few kind words regarding the video, as I said before my husband and I have almost 60 homemade videos we would like to share with other Filipinos, following they have come down here from which we have introduced Brits to Filipinos who have later got married. This part of the world is undiscovered way off the track for tourists very suitable to the Filipino way of life but much more friendly with the weather and no crime

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Yes ... I, too, enjoyed watching the video your husband Norman made of this EXTRA-SPECIAL occasion, Noeme. As I myself know very well, there IS no celebration that can quite match a Filipino gathering! Accordingly, I should also like to you here, and wish you a belated Happy 50th Birthday.

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Hi nandnjudge, welcome to the forum

    nice birthday video

  8. #8
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hello Imagine
    Thanks for those few kind words, there is one thing about us Filipinos we can enjoy our selves no matter how few for very little expense and without having to go out and getting drunk, that was the way we were brought up back home.

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nandnjudge View Post
    Hello Imagine
    Thanks for those few kind words, there is one thing about us Filipinos we can enjoy our selves no matter how few for very little expense and without having to go out and getting drunk, that was the way we were brought up back home.
    A liter of beer...75 Pesos..A liter of brandy 80 Pesos.
    No drunks in the Philippines eh!!
    That said..If you are talking about Filipino women then I`d agree.. Definitely.

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    That said..If you are talking about Filipino women then I`d agree.. Definitely.

    Compared to most other countries, Filipino women are considered to be in very high regard , it is a pity that some of the men are not able to follow by their example. Without Filipino women the NHS and private nursing homes would be faced with one hell of a problem where to find people that are so caring and totally committed to their professon

  11. #11
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nandnjudge View Post

    Compared to most other countries, Filipino women are considered to be in very high regard , it is a pity that some of the men are not able to follow by their example. Without Filipino women the NHS and private nursing homes would be faced with one hell of a problem where to find people that are so caring and totally committed to their professon
    I agree we need more filipino carers here. I have worked with 3 in the last couple of weeks when I have been doing overtime. They are very caring towards the patients and a delight to work with.

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Our caring attitude is in breed in our culture, it is no wonder that we as Filipino women are the most sought after group of women, wether we are carers, nurses or partners, anywhere around the world. Name any country in Asia that can boast to have that reputation From time to time we need to stand up and give our selves a pat on the back because no one else will. It is very sad to see, not very often, when they are abused by their partners.

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