Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
Cameron has taken leave of his senses - this will only further erode any support from grass root Tories

MPs' anger over £180m boost to Pakistan's aid bill when 70% of the country's own politicians pay NO tax

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2PaZWys00

What we need to be doing with toilet and rogue state Pakistan is stopping all aid and implementing a travel and trade ban.
Well I have to admit I didnt expect a response from you on this Ded. Fair play to you.. I just cant understand it for the life of me. My fear is it the will money end up in the talibans hands. We can see it so why cant the government?. And not only this government but all the parties. Another thing if our sons and daughter want to go to university they would have to pay £9000 a year. Its crazy.