View Poll Results: Which Version of Windows are You using?

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  • Windows XP (Home and Pro)

    11 84.62%
  • Windows Vista (Any edition)

    1 7.69%
  • Windows ME or 98

    0 0%
  • Windows 2000

    1 7.69%
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Thread: Windows XP vs Windows Vista

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  1. #1
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    Windows XP vs Windows Vista

    Having bought a new laptop a few months ago which came with Vista Basic installed, I promptly put XP on instead. I found Vista unstable, uses/needs a lot of memory and theres still issues with drivers still not being available.

    So come on, lets see what version of Windows are members of FilipinoUK using?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i too bought a new laptop with Vista basic on . . . and it's CRAP!

    I use xp again now.
    im fed up to the back teeth of vista!


  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Over 5 million files all indexed under Vista, run it on 3 machines, never had a problem, well better than XP, but the basic versions are pretty useless, unless you hack the security settings, and you NEED 2GB's of memory.

    I run 100's of drivers, they all worked from the day after Vista was released.

    Not had one spyware, or anything with it, got sick of them on XP regardless of the security settings, something would always find a way on, and XP had stability problems running all the software I use, Vista handles it very well with the new memory management.

    XP is based on pre-millennium code, that had more addons than a lezzers collection!!
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Over 5 million files all indexed under Vista, run it on 3 machines, never had a problem, well better than XP, but the basic versions are pretty useless, unless you hack the security settings, and you NEED 2GB's of memory.

    I run 100's of drivers, they all worked from the day after Vista was released.

    Not had one spyware, or anything with it, got sick of them on XP regardless of the security settings, something would always find a way on, and XP had stability problems running all the software I use, Vista handles it very well with the new memory management.

    XP is based on pre-millennium code, that had more addons than a lezzers collection!!
    put some games on the pc and programs, that will your vista up , i never had a problem with windows 3.1 crashing

    oh i think there is kinda service pack 1 out for vista now...

    i hardly ever have a problem with xp, just use the latest updates, like the old saying - keep it simple stupid , and vista needing lots of memory and high spec pc

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    i'd say if anyone knows anything about this subject it'll be keef . . . coz it's your livelyhood right?


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    never had a problem with XP

    problems every day with Vista

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty of games on it, I even run Windows 3.1 software on it with no problems, and Win95 stuff.

    Vista is not the problem in 99% of cases, it is the people installing something without getting an update/patch first from the manufacturer. That is a failure of the user, not Vista.

    Most folk blame Windows for BSOD, but if they actually looked at the error message/log they'd see it was a 3rd party driver or something.

    If what you have works, then no need to change anything, but for better security for business, and reliability you need Vista.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
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    The copy of Vista I had on my lappy probably would have worked fine had the manufacturer not produced a woefully underpowered machine. The laptop I had only came with 512mb of RAM, which is fine for XP, but for Vista, forget it. You know the ironic thing, it was cheaper for me to install XP rather than upgrade the laptop memory to 2GB.

  9. #9
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    and just easier too!

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I got my laptop upgraded in the States to 2GB from 1GB, only cost £50
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Most companies I.T department are avoiding Vista like the plague and happy with XP. Its become like the old saying your never get sacked for buying xerox/ibm was a few years back.
    An I.T department has a network that runs the hassles of upgrading systems at the weekends ensuring that the segments still on w2k/XP sync with the Vista with no security or performance problems, is just not worth the hassles if it goes wrong . I have not heard of one person demanding to be upgraded to Vista, but we have had plenty of people asking how to add a vista pc to an existing network and in some cases wishing they had ordered or requested a version with XP.
    A few years back, offices would have pcs with 95,98,98se,nt4, w2k,and a few on xp a right old mess most places desktops are now w2k or xp rare to see any other o/s being used drivers, print servers and nas's all fairly standized thank god. We now suggest any old os's are runing as virtual machines on a pc which is much better.

    Microsoft are saying that XP maybe around for a good few years particulary in countries like Phill especially.

    Vista will take a few years but we will all move over slowly as a sizeable percentage of companies are either on a 3 or 5 year turnover of there pc equipment. As most big companies felt complled to upgrade in 99 due to the y2k bug threat and dot com bubble. The next wave is 08/09 for them.

    Didn't we all learn from xp that it was only untill after xp sp 1 that it was even worth trying to use. Like joe says vista sp 1 looks like its on its way.

    Like the survey by compita recently found the most important application is and has been the browser, many city firms are developing browser accessed software, google and others are trying to develop for the mainstream and i can see it being the way forward. Soon we may only have a stripped down o/s on many of our pcs while accessing the rest via the web or a server in the house/office (ala ctrix stylee)

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Connecting Vista to a network is much easier than XP, never had the problems I had with XP, and I connect to multiple networks & VPN's.

    Very few patches for Vista as well compared to XP.

    But if what you have does what you want, no need to change just because you can, you don't upgrade your car just for a better alarm system do you? (Well I do!!)

    And I can't see accessing all the software from a server ever becoming the majority, as the Open Source market would prevent it.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Connecting Vista to a network is much easier than XP, never had the problems I had with XP, and I connect to multiple networks & VPN's.

    Very few patches for Vista as well compared to XP.

    But if what you have does what you want, no need to change just because you can, you don't upgrade your car just for a better alarm system do you? (Well I do!!)

    And I can't see accessing all the software from a server ever becoming the majority, as the Open Source market would prevent it.

    I'll agree vista is jolly decent but drivers for particular products are still surfacing belive it or not only very slowly and companies Isd departments then take ages testing them.
    I have found they are increasinly very cautious to make any major changes if things are working as heads only roll if things go

    It will be intresting how the iphone and gphone get on with the public in the next few years as they are both browser based.
    If they take off and the isps start to get joe public intrested in a cheap pc (ala like their phone free or dead cheap with it being upgraded after a few years.) the phone companies now personailse the os of the phone for their own reasons, so if the isps follow the same line they willl do the same in tie ups with ms and apple im sure. A good way for the os/isp companies to keep control of their market is to make the os either fully or partly server based.
    In fact in the media a week or two ago a uk goverment department were looking at ways to save engery nationally and one was to have people have thin clients in the home with large servers accessed via internet (ie isps and phone companies will make money and bankroll the scheme along with the o/s companies chosen)

    The engery and resource savings will probaly stop the national goverments or the EU getting involved in any real debate about if its right or wrong they know it will help them reach their co2 and waste product levels.

    This would be a few years off and some people would not like it, but most people don't really care what pc or os they have as long as they can browse the web, vist facespace(or whatever) Have office type software etc. Microsoft are already talking about a adds based version of works which i guess would be free so would be distrubuted via the internet anyway.

    Where that leaves other parts of the world im not so sure already limited versions of os are avaiable at cheaper prices in asia.

  14. #14
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    speaking as someone who just succumbed & bought an ipod.. and then had the thing lockup - so I had to wait 2 days for the battery to die - then recharge and reboot the thing ..

    you can bet I wont be buying an iphone.... certainly nokias dont lockup that often, but when it does at least you can take the battery out

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    speaking as someone who just succumbed & bought an ipod.. and then had the thing lockup - so I had to wait 2 days for the battery to die - then recharge and reboot the thing ..

    you can bet I wont be buying an iphone.... certainly nokias dont lockup that often, but when it does at least you can take the battery out

    Can't agree more but a lot of people don't care about those things. I doubt few people once the battery is put in at the shop ever take out their battery in their phone.

    Ipod just hit the market at the right time and many people who look at the market find other mp3/4 players to be far better for what they need.

    Personally my Nokia does it all and a lot better

    heres someone who thinks the same

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    "feel the keys you press as you're pressing them! The technology is called "tactile response,"

    "tactile response," i suppose 99% of keyboards are tactile

    oh well i will not buy one either, as long as my ngage keeps plodding along..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    speaking as someone who just succumbed & bought an ipod.. and then had the thing lockup - so I had to wait 2 days for the battery to die - then recharge and reboot the thing ..
    Probably too late now, but my brothers brand new ipod also locked up on him, to reset ipod:

    1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.)
    2. Press and hold the Menu and Center (Select) buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 10 seconds. You may need to repeat this step.

  18. #18
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    arrrrgh techno speak . . .

    u may as well be speaking tagalog!

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    What have you been smoking today Joe?
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Ipods are a rip-off, I got a similar model with more bells & whistles from China fro £20
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Ipods are a rip-off, I got a similar model with more bells & whistles from China fro £20
    bells and whistles sounds better than some of the dodgy opm my wife has playing on her mp3 player

  22. #22
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    So who is the only person who uses Vista? Keith?

  23. #23
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Well with dell and others looking at ubuntu ( a free linunx desktop os) with the price of pcs now the oem os is a huge cost for those that buy them ready made.

    In fact you can even get a free cd send to you in most countries in the world.

    you can get a stripped down version which works as a webbroswer in vmware player called browser applicance
    This gives you an idea of the program and real handy as you can run it on a normal windows xp machine.

    There is a lot of opensource software which can be handy if you need to kit out a pc with software which works, is legal and does not cost the earth.
    Openoffice is a good example, which does many of the things office does for no cost.

  24. #24

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    Having used Winows XP Pro for the past few years,i tink personally it will take some beating,having said that just purchased a new laptop with Windows Vista so far,so good.I'l keep u updated.

  25. #25
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Smile vista is great

    i have been using vista ultimate for a few months now,no problems at all,finds up to date drivers easily,great search function since ut indexes items.never seam to get crap on pc anymore,the whole experience is just so much better.i only have crappy amd3200 cpu and 1 gig of cheapo ram,decent graphics card tho.its been updated regually and a lot of the earlier bugs have been fixed.i help friends out with their pcs for fun! and find working on xp old hat now lol. time to move on get used to it. i remember same thing when xp came out we all tend to stick with what we are used to but the sooner you move on the soon you get used to it and will realise it knocks the sox of xp.

  26. #26
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    I have just managed to sort of suss out XP after a couple of years. I am not that literate on pc's.

    I did try Vista on my son's pc, and I could make no heads or tails of it.
    But neither did he... In the end he did re-install XP Pro.

    For me............ If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

    I am not saying that I will not use it in future, it is just the case that I am extremely happy with what I got at the moment.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    i help friends out with their pcs for fun! and find working on xp old hat now lol. time to move on get used to it..
    I also mess with computers for fun and fix them as well for friends and friends of friends (computer crashes? no problem! Mess with the registry? I do it for fun Lost all your data? I'll get it back easy ) and I would not say that XP is old hat. I'm still learning about XP every day.

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    XP is broke security wise though compared to Vista....and the front end works exactly the same as XP.
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
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    In my own opinion XP is still the BEST. Windows Vista is alot of CRAP, driver wise not all are compatible. It's a waste of space VISTA is....

  30. #30
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    security on xp, just get free decent firewall, virus scanners, etc

    spyware terminator
    peer guardian
    avg ................................ etc..

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