Thanks LM,
Forgive me here but, slightly off topic. .the the Filipino partner doesn't always wait until the money runs out before they depart.
For example, they come over here thinking life's in the west going to be a whole lot better than in The Philippines in most cases, things are but, a few can't make that adjustment. .the realisation that the money is actually worked hard for. ..they witness first hand what the husband/wife has to do, to make things happen.
A very small minority can't stomach it. Some realise it was a whole bunch easier staying at home in The Philippines, in the warm sunshine, thinking about one's naval, while waiting for the next 10 digit text message.
It's a shame the 2 countries couldn't get together and work out a way of better of familiarisation before the partner makes that life changing step.
This is not a broad brush statement. ..many integrate successfully.
I would also suggest, the guys and girls over here just to take care on who they choose to date. ..just like Jelo.