Hi there i wondered if someone can advise me if im the one being unreasonable in this situation:
Anyway ive been getting on well with the gf - we have to use skype and YM to communicate.
So yesterday we had a very long conversation (which is fine by me) that was about 4 or 5 hours. I told her i was going out and was also going to try finish editing her resume so said goodnight and all ok.
Next day we are talking and getting on well...she tells me some things she has kept to herself because she has been too embarrassed (family stuff) to tell me before. I'm happy she is comfortable with telling me this stuff and i try to be supportive.
Anyway she asks what i did the day before and i say i went out for a walk around the town (its a small town). She then asked me what time was this. I say it was after our conversation yesterday.
She then says why i go walking round the town and not finish editing her resume :(
So it seems she was accusing me of not bothering with doing her resume and just walking around town when i had said to her the previous day i would do the resume.
I feel a bit harassed at this because i feel a bit unappreciated as im trying to help her but she has a go at me for going for a walk when i guess i shouldve been working away on her resume..
This started a big argument where i unfortunately mention i thought she was being a bit controlling as i got the impression she was trying to tell me what to do..
She also drops into the argument stuff like
"okay i know you need to go u had lots of stuff to do sorry for spending ur hour talking to me i thought ur happy talking to me i thought too u miss me sorry to disturb you"
"dont worry i never ever disturb you sorry for the time that i ask for u to chat to me sorry!"
which i find bizarre as i tell her all the time i miss her and we always try to speak every single day. Okay we sometimes miss each other online because she is online at 7am uk time and i would be on later. She always says "u never online"
i find it hurtful that she would suggest i dont care or i dont want to talk to her....
just feels to me like emotional manipulation albeit she doesnt intend to do it i hope. I acknowledge that i felt harassed and felt she was accusing me. She just lost it she then goes on to say shes crying that she doesnt know me...that where is her wonderful bf...that could i leave and bring back her loving bf etc
When i offer hugs and try to be concilitary she says back she doesnt hug strangers.... she doesnt know who i am :(
Basically stuff like that whilst i am trying to be calm and rational and explain why i felt accussed and harassed...perhaps i was being over sensitive but i think she was as well.
Trying to see it from her side she maybe got so annoyed because i said yesterday i would try and finish her resume yesterday but of course today comes and i havent finished it. This has really made her that mad?
So conversation ended with no resolution really. I need to have a think about this relationship.