Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
this is interesting thread.. as for Jello.. keep communicating with her, talk things through about being supportive with each other, and be strong because LDR is not easy.. as most of us here have been through or still is in that phase.

explain to her that life in PI is easier than living here. I said that because in PI if you don't have anything to eat.. you just pop in to your friends or relatives house you can have something to eat.

I agree with what the respectable members here had to say, all in all, only you who can do the better judgement in assessing your relationship with your gf.

If I may ask, what work does she do?

I remember that I was working hard while going to college.. because my kuripot stepfather wants me to work. And I did sell credit cards with some agency that was 16 years ago when I started. And believe it or not I made between 9,000-25,000 a month, then I did sell insurance and got myself into real estate, MLM and call centre.

I must say, I had much better life in PI.. the lifestyle, travels, friends and family.
But I'm not complaining.. I married the best man in the world. Even though my hands are getting rough from doing house works etc because we cannot afford a maid.

I'm sure rayna here would agree with me.

I do agree with you purple..