Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
I have no idea whether you have paid the correct tax or not. As I said if you want to have it checked and you're not sure how to do it just send a letter to HMRC request they check for you.

It's interesting that you mentioned having two jobs though. Normally if you have more that one source of income you will be issued with a corresponding number of tax codes via a 'PAYE Coding Notice' for each source.

Your tax code tells each employer the tax allowances you get.

Your Personal Allowance is essentially your tax code, means your amount of tax-free pay.

Usually if you have a 'main job' where tax is paid and then you take up another job you'll receive another tax code at 'BR code'
This means that you pay basic rate tax on all your income from this second employer.

Here's the crunch, if you did not receive any second tax coding for your other job and yet were deducted tax in line with your existing only tax code, then instead of overpaying the tax you could have actually UNDERPAID tax. Means you may owe money to HMRC.
It's important you check back on your payslips and look at the tax code(s) that have been applied.
You should not normally expect to see the same code from each employer. (except under specific 'splitting' circumstances)

Tax-free payments (codings) may be split between different sources. HMRC will always try to accommodate any special requirements you may have.

Please do check you payslips tax codes and come back with any further questions
Hi Sir,
They split may tax code into two since i got two job...but since april to december I only worked 30 hours on my second job...and I resign last december but they haven't change my tax code since december to march as I only got one Job until now...Last year I also got two Job and got £500 tax return and I can't just remember when did I called them...cheers