Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
If your wearing a leather belt,leather shoes,eaten a beefburger this week then a creature was killed for human gain,horse racing is no different from bullfighting or sabong in pinas,if every incidence of man using creatures for food,clothing or entertainment were eradicated the world would grind to a halt,if you have eaten pig in pinas chances are it wasnt stunned humanely but died squealing as its life-blood dripped and spurted into a receptacle,if you have eaten tuna they suffocated when hauled aboard a fishing vessel,if your a total vegan then you have every right to take the moral high-ground.
Sadly you are correct :(. But predators eat meat in the wild. So do we to survive. Yes there are other sources of protein that we are aware of now and we can be vegan. Some scientists argue the human race wouldn't have advanced as far as we have unless we were meat eaters. Could it be argued that using animals for entertainment is a separate argument though ? Yes I did eat pork in the Philippines and I will be honest I was unaware of the methods you talk about. It was a new culture to me. I guess I have to accept that.