Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
Any horse in the fields or in the wild would get an accident while galloping or free running. Even a dog can break its neck if you let it run in the woods (as one episode of Supervet showed). These horses are very well taken care of and are even treated better than some humans (air conditioned stables, eating the best food they can have, best vets to look after them, etc.)! Horses won't run or jump if they don't like to. Many races have shown this (we watch horse racing every single day on TV).
Yes but if they sustained an accident in the wild that's different. Not because of human gain. Any animal can sustain an accident in the wild. The horses in this race were forced to jump all bunched up together being pushed to their limits for human pleasure. They are whipped to be pushed harder. At least then take the whips away and reduce the amount of horses running at the same time. That would prove if they really enjoyed it. They get the best treatment because of the money generated from human interest.

I'm not talking about all horse races. I am talking about the grand national. It is not the first time a horse has been killed in this event.

I'm sorry raynaputi I respect your opinion and I am always grateful for you're advice re spouse visa issues but we are going to have to disagree on this one. I hope you understand.