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Thread: 10 day waiting period for marriage licence

  1. #1
    Member russcole's Avatar
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    10 day waiting period for marriage licence

    Does the 10 day waiting period for marraige licence include weekends, as my fiancee is on the understanding that they only count week days only. Could somebody confirm this for me.

  2. #2
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Yes if my memory serves me right your fiance is correct it is working days only


  3. #3
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    I think its 10 days in a row.
    =Waiting Period:
    There is a waiting period of ten consecutive days while notice of the marriage application is posted on a bulletin board outside the local civil registrar's office.=

    I asked my fiancee to check at the local office and they gave us 10 days inc weekend, the best thing to do is ask at your own city hall what they do.

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  4. #4
    Member russcole's Avatar
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    My fiance asked at the office in Cebu and they said 10 working days, all the post i have read on forum always say 10 consecutive days.

  5. #5
    Member russcole's Avatar
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    forgot to ask do they count the day that the licence is applied for, as one of the ten days.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by russcole View Post
    Does the 10 day waiting period for marraige licence include weekends, as my fiancee is on the understanding that they only count week days only. Could somebody confirm this for me.
    Firstly russcole, in response to your very specific question, there is a very specific answer.
    That is 10 consecutive days

    Now whether or not that is what you really want to know is another question.
    I suspect you need to be more concerned with how long you WILL ACTUALLY WAIT for the marriage licence to be issued to you after submission of your application.
    That can ONLY be answered by the authority who will issue it.

    Here's the reason I say that.
    For what it's worth Executive Order No.209 (The Family Code of the Philippines) states:-

    Art. 17. The local civil registrar shall prepare a notice which shall contain the full names and residences of the applicants for a marriage license and other data given in the applications. The notice shall be posted for ten consecutive days on a bulletin board outside the office of the local civil registrar located in a conspicuous place within the building and accessible to the general public.
    This notice shall request all persons having knowledge of any impediment to the marriage to advise the local civil registrar thereof.
    The marriage license shall be issued after the completion of the period of publication.
    As I'm sure you know, there are always 'local variations' in the Philippines.

    Means it will include the weekend except when the 10th day is say a Saturday and no-one works at the weekend. Then you'll need to wait until the Monday morning. Just as long as the notice remains in place for AT LEAST 10 consecutive days then it complies with legal requirements.
    It can sometimes come down to local practice, depending on ......

    After all, if the licence is not issued until after 11,12 or 13 days then it still complies with the legal requirement provided it has been posted continuously for a minimum 10 consecutive days.

    So please consider the very best advice as being to check locally when it actually WILL BE be issued, given a specific date of application.

    Just trying to help.
    In the Philippines anything can suddenly jump out at you and bite you in the ****. Especially when you under time pressures.

    Best of luck.

    How long in total will you be staying in the Philippines?

  7. #7
    Member russcole's Avatar
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    Thanks for the precise answer Terpe. I plan to stay between 3 and 4 weeks. Our wedding was planned for may 18th but the earliest appointment i could get at the Embassy for CNI exchange is 17th May, unless a cancellation occurs. If not the wedding will be on the 2nd June, which wil give me just enough time for the 10 day wait for the licence.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by russcole View Post
    Thanks for the precise answer Terpe. I plan to stay between 3 and 4 weeks. Our wedding was planned for may 18th but the earliest appointment i could get at the Embassy for CNI exchange is 17th May, unless a cancellation occurs. If not the wedding will be on the 2nd June, which wil give me just enough time for the 10 day wait for the licence.
    It may be tricky but try to time the application so the day of licence issue does not fall on the weekend.

  9. #9
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    My love asked at the city hall and they set a date 10 days later which fell on Saturday so we collect it on Monday..we left one day buffer and marry on Wednesday 17th July. They are very helpful.
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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