Dear all,
I've submitted my visa application as a civil partner of a British citizen last March, and it's pretty straightforward – we meet all the requirements, including financial requirements pretty easily.
I have one issue however: I submitted scanned bank statements (which were stamped and signed), and my payslips were printed but not stamped and signed (my partner is a UK civil servant and they don't get paper payslips, only electronic ones).
I asked the VFS agents about this 3 times on 3 separate occasions and was answered by 3 different people independently: THEY SAID IT'S OKAY.
I also included a cover letter explaining this. Furthermore, we attempted to send a few original documents early, but it's been 1 month now – way past their supposed date or arrival – and they still have not come! I fear they are lost!
So am I hopelessly screwed? Or does my visa application stand a chance?
Also, I was thinking about e-mailing the ECM in UKBA Manila, pre-empting their decision if they refuse. I plan to tell her that a) VFS agents said scanned documents were okay, and b) should they request for originals, I will submit them right away.
What do you think?