Coal in the 80's was no longer cost effective as we had access to cheaper imports from Germany, that's business and capitalism. During the noughties under Labour coal once again became viable due to the high price of oil but they done nothing to open up new pits.
Keith - Administrator
did you buy shares in british gas, british telecom, etc ? if you did you bought what you already owned and was robbed from those who didn't/couldn't buy shares
if you didn't you was robbed becuase what you owned was sold off at a discount
either way thatcher shafted you![]()
One of the things that Thatcher did that I agree with was closing down the coal mines. To me, it's just simple free market economics. Cheap coal was being imported from huge open cast mines in other parts of the world. Deep-mined coal simply wasn't competitive.
When world coal reserves become depleted and carbon capture technology is perfected, there will be demand for the deep-coal and the mining industry will be back in full swing. Until that time, it should not be subsidised by other parts of the economy.
I know that Thatcher's policy towards the mining industry ruined many communities and perhaps it should have been done with a bit more compassion and support for the ex-miners, but closing the mines was the right thing to do.
I love all the talk about free markets and capitalism. It's great until it fs up and then the Capitalists all turn into socialists. Everyone should help to pay for the sins of the Capitalists and whilst everyone bails them out they still want to get a bonus.
Jimmy Savile greets Maggie Thatcher at the gates of hell "what you here for then"?
"Shafting miners" she replied
"Same as me" says Jimmy
Sorry if this offends but I found it hilarious
I was working at the dole office.![]()
Don't like the woman at all.. Vile human being, caused misery for millions.
it was to break the will of the German people. they thought they were safe, while the Luftwaffe bombed and murdered British civilians in the cities. same reason the Americans bombed Japan, it ended the war sooner and saved more lives, even thou it was a massive loss of lives.
vile human being, thats harsh, if someone said that about your mum,gran, or wife how would you feel, how even you feel about a person its your thought only, truth be told i bet there is more liked her then disliked her, myself well for that time she was here she did well,the unions was to big for themselves, did they go without during the strikes who knows, but someone had to face up to them and thank goodness she did, where would we all be know if she did not, just my thoughts no harm on name calling meant to anyone involved
well there is a few on here who are not fans of hers
do you remember the news at 10, at the end Trev Mcdonald would say how many 1000s of jobs were lost that day ?
record levels of unemployment, culture of greed, no compassion at all, stole milk from kids, sold off everything that was British
I've told you why i dont like her, tell me the reasons you do Steve
have you ever been a member of a Union ? i haven't no unions where i've worked, but some employers treat you likesometimes, i've had to in the past taken 2 different employers to tribunals for my basic rights, if i was in a union they wouldn't have been able to do what they did.
Well said Joe for some reason I can't give you rep
My above inflation pay rise kicks in this month. I'm half way through a 4 year deal that guarantees above inflation every year. Why? Because I'm in a Union and a bloody good union. If the fares rise above inflation every year then so should the wages.
Thatcher reeled people in. She enabled people to buy houses and shares in what they already owned and they fell for it. Now they're paying through the nose to foreign owned Utility companies and if you need care in your old age they'll take your house off you to pay for it.
All I hear these days is people saying you should be grateful for what you've got, grateful to have a job. The Tories have actually got people believing it's right that they should pay for the crimes of bankers. The worlds gone mad![]()
Well there is no reason really it just gets my goat when the names start calling. Now being a member of a union never have been, I have been lucky in work just two jobs inm my life . Yes sometimes my boss gets on his high horse and shouts and calls everyone names but call me any name you want if he's willing to pay me very well. I have been imploded just the once and that was so bad and in the 6 months I was out of work it took years to get back to being ok. Now life is good I could retire now if I had too and be happy but I won't. No governments have helped me no unions have help me too its all down to myself just like life if yourself wants something go and get it don't wait for any handouts from any government or unions
Overall i think the bad things the old hag done far outweighs the good things she done
Nothing in there that Tony Bliar and his fellow hypocites couldn't have 'put right' if they'd so desired, during their 13 years of plunder and neglect.![]()
They could have even started with the school milk which Mrs Thatcher withdrew in 1971 - come to think of it Wilson and Callaghan ought to have reinstated it. Those two however were too busy kowtowing to the union barons whereas Blair and Brown busied themselves dishing out knighthoods to the Bankers and City Slickers.
Working class party my ar$e![]()
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