Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
did you and your ex-wife both work ?? and did your mother work ?

me and the misses both work, we do not have anyone to look after the kids, i've thought about quitting work because of all the hassle, sure its my fault for having kids or is it ? the cost of living now is far higher than it use to be when mostly the father only worked. them days are gone for most now
We both worked Joe.

Practically from the first day my ex arrived in the UK she worked, because she didn't want to be bored silly putting her feet up at home. First as a cleaner, then a waitress, and finally as assistant manager in a restaurant.

We both worked, but organised our hours and jobs so that one of us was always there for the kids.

My own mother never had a job after getting married and having children. That's the way she and my dad wanted it.
We struggled because in those days forces pay was very low, but they'd had the good sense to save the deposit on a house and then buy one BEFORE they had any kids. Apart from 'family allowance' my parents never claimed any benefits whatsover. They just lived sensibly and within their budget, while doing their best for us kids.

I disagree that the cost of living is higher now. It depends on what you define as necessities I suppose. Everyone is different.

I for instance don't feel it is a requirement to have at least one large 4-wheel drive vehicle on my driveway and a rack of wine in my kitchen to feel good about my status.

I do however feel good when my children have some quality books to read and are given stimulating and fun things to do, within a loving home (or outside it).