Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
I won't celebrate her death but I certainly don't mourn her passing. She divided communities, turned neighbours against each other sold the countries silver for pennies and council homes for votes.
People choose to interpret history in their own view. Unlike what some have said on here she wasn't against Europe she just fought for a rebate. History actually shows that on the only occasion that this country was allowed a referendum on membership of the EU that her party was strongly in favour of us remaining in. She is as much to blame for our current situation in Europe as Major, Blair, Brown and Cameron.
She was saved in her first term as Prime Minister by a war in the South Atlantic, a war that she didn't win. A war that was won by the heroes who serve in our armed forces the same armed forces that her party is cutting to pieces at the moment.
History will also show that she had more riots on the streets of this country than any other Prime Minister in our time. She tried and in part succeeded in doing away with society and a sense of community. She created the loadsamoney culture and encouraged people to walk over everybody else to attain wealth. She's responsible for the greedy capitalist culture that we now have particularly in the City of London. The same culture that preach only the strong survive but when it all goes wrong rely on the weak to pay off their debts.
I remember her stealing the words of St Francis of Assissi when she was elected in '79..."Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope." I would say she failed miserably.