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Thread: Ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dies

  1. #151
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    The above are no better than any of the rich and the successful they pretend to despise...worse if anything.


  2. #152
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    years of plunder and neglect.
    that's true of the Tories too, Cameron just like thatcher taking more from the poor and giving back to the rich

    if you've got kids these days your if you both work, child care cost will cripple you if you don't have a family member to look after them or take them to school. because Cameron and his bullingdon boys have lowered the cut off where you get nothing if you work

  3. #153
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    You surprise me Imagine .... Millipede, Balls, Harman, Brown, Blair and the rest of the apparatchiks ceaselessly strive to come across as class warriors and champions of the downtrodden. I must be missing something somewhere
    there all self self self any and all the partys

  4. #154
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That was a myth the Argies started, the ship is on the bottom facing away from Argentina. You have to simply ask, what was a troop ship, full of armed troops, doing in waters near a war zone? ... sightseeing?

    Maybe we should have let them kill some of our men!
    Too bloody right sink it

  5. #155
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Too many people in this country think it owes em a living,as for dodgy benefits claimants stuff em,We need new motorways building

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that's true of the Tories to, Cameron just like thatcher taking more from the poor and giving back to the rich

    if you've got kids these days your if you both work, child care cost will cripple you if you don't have a family member to look after them or take them to school. because Cameron and his bullingdon boys have lowered the cut off where you get nothing if you work

    I'm not defending the Tories.

    ...and, IMO it's down to the breakdown of the traditional 'extended family' that has given rise to a lot of our current social problems (including requiring payment of benefits) , as well as the inflexibility of some couples.

    My ex-partner and I managed to bring up 3 children without ever needing to pay for any kind of childcare, and my own mother brought up 4, without even the use of a babysitter...most of the time my dad being away at sea too.

    Apart from one armed robber on my dad's side, there are no criminals or spongers amongst us either.

  7. #157
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did you buy shares in british gas, british telecom, etc ? if you did you bought what you already owned and was robbed from those who didn't/couldn't buy shares

    if you didn't you was robbed becuase what you owned was sold off at a discount

    either way thatcher shafted you
    Ni I did not buy them to be honest,think I have been shafted good and proper by the last government though,"never had it so bad"

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that's true of the Tories to, Cameron just like thatcher taking more from the poor and giving back to the rich

    if you've got kids these days your if you both work, child care cost will cripple you if you don't have a family member to look after them or take them to school. because Cameron and his bullingdon boys have lowered the cut off where you get nothing if you work
    As Graham said Joe why, during their 13 years of power ,didn't Labour put back what Mrs Thatcher supposedly "took away" ?

    Too busy playing at being Class Warriors and concealing their wealth and privilege no doubt - I've not heard Mandelson and Two Jags open their gobs in the House of Lords lately

  9. #159
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    did you and your ex-wife both work ?? and did your mother work ?

    me and the misses both work, we do not have anyone to look after the kids, I've thought about quitting work because of all the hassle, sure its my fault for having kids or is it ? the cost of living now is far higher than it use to be when mostly the father only worked. them days are gone for most now

  10. #160
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post

    Maybe we should have let them kill some of our men!
    Too bloody right sink it
    the news at the time said the ship was in retreat, so it was not a threat, shot in the back i say, a war crime

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did you and your ex-wife both work ?? and did your mother work ?

    me and the misses both work, we do not have anyone to look after the kids, i've thought about quitting work because of all the hassle, sure its my fault for having kids or is it ? the cost of living now is far higher than it use to be when mostly the father only worked. them days are gone for most now
    We both worked Joe.

    Practically from the first day my ex arrived in the UK she worked, because she didn't want to be bored silly putting her feet up at home. First as a cleaner, then a waitress, and finally as assistant manager in a restaurant.

    We both worked, but organised our hours and jobs so that one of us was always there for the kids.

    My own mother never had a job after getting married and having children. That's the way she and my dad wanted it.
    We struggled because in those days forces pay was very low, but they'd had the good sense to save the deposit on a house and then buy one BEFORE they had any kids. Apart from 'family allowance' my parents never claimed any benefits whatsover. They just lived sensibly and within their budget, while doing their best for us kids.

    I disagree that the cost of living is higher now. It depends on what you define as necessities I suppose. Everyone is different.

    I for instance don't feel it is a requirement to have at least one large 4-wheel drive vehicle on my driveway and a rack of wine in my kitchen to feel good about my status.

    I do however feel good when my children have some quality books to read and are given stimulating and fun things to do, within a loving home (or outside it).

  12. #162
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    the news at the time said the ship was in retreat, so it was not a threat, shot in the back i say, a war crime
    How do you know that news is true?
    Was a war situation-they were geared up for conflict,You would rather take a chance and let our men be attacked?
    If I was armed and saw a gunman hold a kid at gunpoint and then he ran away I would definitely "take him out" who is to say he is not going to attack another day, Presumably you would let him off

  13. #163
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    People go on about the cost of living,makes me laugh.
    Food years ago seemed far dearer than it is now,We all used to have sunday roast,then cold meat and mash on a monday.
    Me good ol mum would sometimes say "it's chicken next week" I would tell my mate and he would come round for what was seen as a luxury in those days.
    Yes food was cheaper but my first wage was £10.00 a week
    Most people could eat chicken everyday if they wanted now.
    It's tough these days having,car or more than one,Sky tv,wine in the kitchen as graham says ,Ipads,pcs,ps3s etc We don't know were born these days.

  14. #164
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    Les: ref. Belgrano.

    Agree mate.

    I did have to laugh at this...

    Apparently she hasn't received an invite to the funeral...surprise surprise.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Les: ref. Belgrano.

    Agree mate.

    I did have to laugh at this...

    Apparently she hasn't received an invite to the funeral ...surprise surprise.
    True words too, Maggie would have wiped the floor with her, Milliband would have wiped her ....

  16. #166
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    Oh, and for those who have short memories...

    April 2010: UK PM Gordon Brown refers to an elderly voter as a "bigoted woman" in his car - unaware that a microphone was still attached to his jacket - after she had earlier confronted him about the economy and immigration.

    Yes, it's all the fault of the Tories.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Oh, and for those who have short memories...

    April 2010: UK PM Gordon Brown refers to an elderly voter as a "bigoted woman" in his car - unaware that a microphone was still attached to his jacket - after she had earlier confronted him about the economy and immigration.

    Yes, it's all the fault of the Tories.
    How times have changed in One Nation Labour a mere 3 years ago they (then New Labour) considered it a heinous crime for a prole to whisper anything negative about immigration or multiculturalism

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    How times have changed in One Nation Labour a mere 3 years ago they (then New Labour) considered it a heinous crime for a prole to whisper anything negative about immigration or multiculturalism
    and nothing has changed with the Tories - 'primary purpose rule' back in the 80s' and now minimum income requirement, 5yrs to ILR

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and nothing has changed with the Tories - 'primary purpose rule' back in the 80s' and now minimum income requirement, 5yrs to ILR
    As you know Joe genuine applicants now have to suffer due to the rules being tightened up following Labours 13 chaotic years of letting all and sundry in

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    We both worked Joe.

    We both worked, but organised our hours and jobs so that one of us was always there for the kids.

    it's not possible for me and the misses to do that, she could be working days or nights, it changes weekly.

    i think you'll find that the cost of living had increased,

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    As you know Joe genuine applicants now have to suffer due to the rules being tightened up following Labours 13 chaotic years of letting all and sundry in
    Absolutely right. ...and that comes from one who KNOWS.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    How do you know that news is true?
    Was a war situation-they were geared up for conflict,You would rather take a chance and let our men be attacked?
    If I was armed and saw a gunman hold a kid at gunpoint and then he ran away I would definitely "take him out" who is to say he is not going to attack another day, Presumably you would let him off
    she changed the rules so she could legally sink that ship without being accused of war crime,
    any other country with the exception of america would face fierce criticism by the west and be accused of crime of war, one rule for the west another rule for them,

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    As you know Joe genuine applicants now have to suffer due to the rules being tightened up following Labours 13 chaotic years of letting all and sundry in
    and what was thatchers excuse for the 'primary purpose rule' back in the 80's then you know the answer dedworth you just don't want to believe it

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    she changed the rules so she could leagaly sink that ship without being accused of war crime,
    any other country withy the exception of america would face fierce critisicum by the west and be accused of crime of war, one rule for the west another rule for them,
    Can you just clarify who started the conflict?

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and what was thatchers excuse for the 'primary purpose rule' back in the 80's then you know the answer dedworth you just don't want to believe it
    I dunno Joe and I don't particularly care - perhaps you can explain what relevance 1930's UK immigration rules might have today. Its the same old Labour thing diving back into insignificant history to try and attach some sort of blame to the other side.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Can you just clarify who started the conflict?
    argentina ,who started it is not the answer to why she shot them in the back,but it does say something about the morals or lack of morals of the witch

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    it's not possible for me and the misses to do that, she could be working days or nights, it changes weekly.

    i think you'll find that the cost of living had increased,
    Yes Joe, I can understand that some people's working hours (as with you and your wife) can present problems. I do believe that most people DO have more options though...just that they're not willing to compromise.

    As far as those cost of living reports go, well, I would say most if not all those increases (there are decreases too of course) are down to LIFESTYLE choices and the difference in what are generally considered as NECESSITIES these days, rather than any real increase. Most of the time I was a kid we had neither car, TV nor phone, nevermind blinkin broadband.

    We didn't particularly miss any of them, neither did we have them to pay for. It did enable my parents to feed and educate us properly though, and to pay for their own house which increased in value through the years.

  28. #178
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Having watched that video I'm even more with Maggie,too right any danger to our troops had to be eliminated
    Can you find me the video confirming the Argentinians had a right to invade the Falkland islands

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    argentina ,who started it is not the answer to why she shot them in the back,but it does say something about the morals or lack of morals of the witch
    So then let's say they were running away,what would you say then if they had survived and at some point killed British personnel?
    This should be good

  30. #180
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I dunno Joe and I don't particularly care - perhaps you can explain what relevance 1930's UK immigration rules might have today. Its the same old Labour thing diving back into insignificant history to try and attach some sort of blame to the other side.

    1930 ! you mean 1980s !!
    i've already posted the reason , you replied , remember my post on Bob Carr and is it the same reason now , and a double whammy hit the poor at the same time with a minimum income requirement

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