Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is the new benefit for financial support and work-related support, basically it's the new DLA!!In the 13-week assessment phase, you'll usually receive a basic allowance of
ESA of:
In the 13-week assessment phase, you'll usually receive a basic allowance of
ESA of:

  • £56.25 if you’re under 25
  • £71.00 if you’re 25 or over

In the main phase of ESA, if you've been accepted as having limited
capability for work, you'll receive the basic allowance of £71.00 regardless of
your age. You'll also get an additional component of:

  • £28.15 a week if you're in the work-related activity group (bringing your
    total ESA to £99.15 a week)
  • £34.05 a week if you’re in the support group (bringing your total ESA to
    £105.05 a week)

The severe disability premium is £58.20 (or £116.40 for a couple if both
partners qualify).

If you’re single, you can receive this premium if all the following
conditions apply:

  • You receive the middle- or high-rate personal care component of (DLA).
  • You live alone (for example, you don’t have a partner living with you).
  • No one is paid Carer’s Allowance for looking after you. This means that it's
    possible for you to have a carer, but if they claim and get paid Carer’s
    Allowance, you will not be able to add the severe disability premium.