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Thread: A (slightly different) passport-surname question - What to do with limited time

  1. #1
    Member J&G's Avatar
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    Question A (slightly different) passport-surname question - What to do with limited time

    Hi all,

    I'm starting to lay out the schedule of activities that G and I need to accomplish both prior to my return to the Phils next year and once we're there together.

    One of the sticky issues that's been troubling me is regarding the timing of her passport application.

    Let me first say that I've searched this topic on the forums and read through many of the similar posts, which were informative! I think I'm pretty sure of what to do, but just want to confirm!

    As background: G and I aren't married yet, nor does she have a passport yet (has never had one). She also wants to take my surname when we marry, in standard Filipina fashion.

    I know that the standard recommendation in this case would be to wait to apply for her passport until we have been married and receive our marriage certificate, so that we can then apply for the passport with her new, proper surname.

    However!, I have the non-standard problem that my available time in the Philippines will be very short - Likely only 5 weeks for my vacation, during which time we need to get married (think: 10-day wait period, plus at least 2-week-ish wait for rush NSO marriage certificate) and at least make a start on applying for the EEA family permit (I can't envision a reality where it is also processed and returned within this time period, as it usually takes a minimum of 15 working days).

    The problem arises because even an 'express' passport application in Manila still takes 7 working days.

    So, given the time restrictions we're facing, does it make more sense if she goes and applies for a passport right now, in her maiden name and as a single person, and then we just use her maiden name in the visa application and amend/renew the passport to her married name via application through the Philippine Embassy in the UK once we've arrived here?

    BUT: If we were to do that, would we need to reapply for her EEA family permit when we would amend/renew the passport here in the UK?

    ALSO: Would any issues arise with the CFO certificate stuff if we went this route? I know that there's the mandatory CFO seminar for Filipinas who marry foreigners, but would they still place the sticker into a passport if it shows her maiden name, even though we present them our marriage certificate showing her new name?

    Based on Arthur's previous responses to similar posts, I'm entitled to think that this route should be fine, but I'd just like to make sure, so that I could give the go-ahead to my fiancee to apply now for her passport, and thus save us time in our 5-week rush next year!

    Any and all thoughts are most appreciated!


    J & G
    J & G - On our quest for unification in the UK
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  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    I think you should be alright. Many of our spouses here enter the UK using their maiden names on their passports as well using their maiden name on CFO. Just make sure that she brings your marriage cert everytime she do something. I stand to be corrected but I am pretty sure that she will be alright on her maiden name as of the moment.

  3. #3
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    hi novie,i attended the cfo already, my passport still maiden name,but my cfo cert my married name on there already,before we fill out the form i asked if i just use my passport name but they said i should use my married name,its crazy hahaha

  4. #4
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    Concerning the passport issue, most folks would suggest to secure early. Minimise risks.
    It makes no impact on either visa application or CFO.
    The passport can be changed at the Philippine Embassy in London without any problems. Usually the process takes 4 - 5 weeks as it needs to get done in Manila.
    Nice day out in London for the wife

    From your posting it appears you are heading for a 'Standard' UK entry Visa leading to settlement (Fiancee), but you've got me confused with your mentioning of EEA Family Permit.
    Where does an EEA Family Permit fit into your plan? Are you planning to live in EU for a while? The requirements are quite different.

  5. #5
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    As said so many times before... the less variations in/ renewals of/changes to vitally important documents the better.

    The process is fraught with possible hiccups as it is, without complicating matters by confusing some minor official with a 'pending' tray, or documents getting 'lost in transit'.

    I recommend your fiancee applies as soon as possible for a passport in her maiden name, then stick with that until all processes are completed and she is on UK soil...regardless of 'Filipina fashion'.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J&G View Post

    I know that the standard recommendation in this case would be to wait to apply for her passport until we have been married and receive our marriage certificate, so that we can then apply for the passport with her new, proper surname.
    thats the proper way to do it to avoid any hassle.
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  7. #7
    Member J&G's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the advice so far, much appreciated!

    Terpe: I intend on applying for her EEA family permit, as I am a Hungarian citizen working the UK! I assume that doesn't change everything up to the point of 'visa' (suppose I should have used the term 'permit' throughout!) application? Sorry for any confusion!

    And yes, I would be fine with the minor inconvenience of reapplying for a new passport for her once we're here in the UK, since we'd have all the time in the world to wait around for that - We don't intend on going anywhere once she's finally made it here!

    One thing I wonder about though is that she will have to submit both her passport (with maiden name) and marriage certificate (with new name) to the UKBA for the EEA permit. While I would use her maiden name throughout on the EEA permit application form, it would obviously be different on the marriage certificate submitted. Couldn't that discrepancy cause a problem?

    Thanks again!

    J & G
    J & G - On our quest for unification in the UK
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  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    There would be no discrepancy in the passport/visa with her maiden name and the marriage cert as it would be in her maiden name written in the marriage cert. Try to download a sample form of Philippines marriage cert so you'll see what I mean. Even here in the UK, my marriage cert contains my maiden name.
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    Quote Originally Posted by J&G View Post
    .....I am a Hungarian citizen working the UK! I assume that doesn't change everything up to the point of 'visa' (suppose I should have used the term 'permit' throughout!) application? Sorry for any confusion!
    Ah, OK. That explains.

  10. #10
    Member J&G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    There would be no discrepancy in the passport/visa with her maiden name and the marriage cert as it would be in her maiden name written in the marriage cert. Try to download a sample form of Philippines marriage cert so you'll see what I mean. Even here in the UK, my marriage cert contains my maiden name.
    Oh, interesting, thanks! I always just assumed that marriage certificates spelled out the wife's new name... How does this marital name change ever become an 'official' thing then? Does the wife just start using the new name arbitrarily? I thought for sure that it would have to be officially registered somewhere!?

    J & G
    J & G - On our quest for unification in the UK
    Bakit mahal naman palagi ang mahal ko?

  11. #11
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J&G View Post
    Oh, interesting, thanks! I always just assumed that marriage certificates spelled out the wife's new name... How does this marital name change ever become an 'official' thing then? Does the wife just start using the new name arbitrarily? I thought for sure that it would have to be officially registered somewhere!?

    J & G
    The only official thing to show her married name is to change her passport into her married name, then to use the new name to other documents like bank account, etc. There's no rule that wives should use her husband's name, not in the UK anyway. She can continue using her maiden name even if she's already married. It's just what most people have been accustomed to, to have the wife use her husband's name, but it's not always necessary. I think in Spain, it's the husbands who use their wives names.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  12. #12
    Member J&G's Avatar
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    Awesome - I feel pretty confident to go ahead and tell G to get her passport then - Thanks for all the advice on this!
    J & G - On our quest for unification in the UK
    Bakit mahal naman palagi ang mahal ko?

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