Thanks all for the advice so far, much appreciated!

Terpe: I intend on applying for her EEA family permit, as I am a Hungarian citizen working the UK! I assume that doesn't change everything up to the point of 'visa' (suppose I should have used the term 'permit' throughout!) application? Sorry for any confusion!

And yes, I would be fine with the minor inconvenience of reapplying for a new passport for her once we're here in the UK, since we'd have all the time in the world to wait around for that - We don't intend on going anywhere once she's finally made it here!

One thing I wonder about though is that she will have to submit both her passport (with maiden name) and marriage certificate (with new name) to the UKBA for the EEA permit. While I would use her maiden name throughout on the EEA permit application form, it would obviously be different on the marriage certificate submitted. Couldn't that discrepancy cause a problem?

Thanks again!

J & G