Hi Shalet, and welcome to the forum

I'm also sorry to hear of your bad experience.

First off, my boy (Filipina mother) was born in the UK and had his own British passport from 2 months of age.

Because we wanted him to be able to live free of visas/hassles in the Phils for long periods (years), we obtained 'Recognition' (as a Filipino Citizen) for him when he was around 2 years of age, there in the Phils.

I'm pretty sure there was no requirement for him to have a visa of any kind in the Phils before that, as he was with his mother...but it's a long time ago, so maybe I have forgotten. I would check on that if I were you, in case there is some kind of age limit on it.

Anyway, here is the link ref. obtaining 'Recognition' there for your children.


As far as their education is concerned, I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, as Phils schools should be perfectly fine when the kids are very young.
My stepchildren came here to England when 7 and 9 years old (hardly even speaking English) and both have gone on to get good university degrees here.

Naturally, as British Citizens your children will never be denied the right to live in the UK anytime in the future when that becomes possible.

Has your husband volunteered any financial support yet, to meet his obligations ? I'm not sure if there is an arrangement between our two governments, reference your pursuing this. There certainly is for some countries.

I wish you and your children better luck in the future.