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Thread: Tribunal

  1. #1
    Respected Member skysisi's Avatar
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    Hello all! I was checked our bank today and the tribunal took the money already for oral hearing on my appeal. Is it the sign that they will process my appeal form? But i dont have letter from them yet! I hope theres a justice on my appeal! weee.. I noticed i am belong in a celebration thread lol instead of help and advice lol.. How to edit?

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I just moved the thread to Help & Advice
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by skysisi View Post
    Hello all! I was checked our bank today and the tribunal took the money already for oral hearing on my appeal. Is it the sign that they will process my appeal form? But i dont have letter from them yet! I hope theres a justice on my appeal! weee.. I noticed i am belong in a celebration thread lol instead of help and advice lol.. How to edit?
    This is a legal process and is not any part of the UKBA.
    Your appeal has been lodged and now the process unfolds according to UK law.
    Normally the first step is that the confirmation of appeal in process will be sent to UKBA together with a formal request to reconsider their original decision and confirm that UKBA will be defending their position.

    Now the waiting period begins. Hopefully the decision will be overturned and the appeal hearing will not be needed, but you'll to wear your 'patience hat' for some months yet I'm afraid.

    You will at some point be provide with a hearing date.

    Use the time you have to prepare your evidence in support of your appeal.
    Be sure you have clear evidence to counter ALL refusal reasons given by UKBA.

  4. #4
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Terpe is right Patience is the order of the day now.
    The first thing they do is take the money.
    Having gone through the process I can tell you that the Tribunal will write to you and tell you that your papers have been returned to Manila for them to consider their decision and they will give you a date by which they expect to hear back from them. Hopefully the decision will be overturned. If the UKBA uphold the decision you will then be sent a pack of documents and a date for your hearing.
    As a guide there was a period of 6 months between us submitting our appeal and the date of our appeal hearing so please be patient.
    I see you've opted for an Oral hearing. Do you intend seeking some professional help ?

  5. #5
    Respected Member skysisi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    This is a legal process and is not any part of the UKBA.
    Your appeal has been lodged and now the process unfolds according to UK law.
    Normally the first step is that the confirmation of appeal in process will be sent to UKBA together with a formal request to reconsider their original decision and confirm that UKBA will be defending their position.

    Now the waiting period begins. Hopefully the decision will be overturned and the appeal hearing will not be needed, but you'll to wear your 'patience hat' for some months yet I'm afraid.

    You will at some point be provide with a hearing date.

    Use the time you have to prepare your evidence in support of your appeal.
    Be sure you have clear evidence to counter ALL refusal reasons given by UKBA.

    We are praying sir peter that we dont go for hearing and hopefully the ukba will overturned there decision and realized that they got a wrong review

  6. #6
    Respected Member skysisi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Terpe is right Patience is the order of the day now.
    The first thing they do is take the money.
    Having gone through the process I can tell you that the Tribunal will write to you and tell you that your papers have been returned to Manila for them to consider their decision and they will give you a date by which they expect to hear back from them. Hopefully the decision will be overturned. If the UKBA uphold the decision you will then be sent a pack of documents and a date for your hearing.
    As a guide there was a period of 6 months between us submitting our appeal and the date of our appeal hearing so please be patient.
    I see you've opted for an Oral hearing. Do you intend seeking some professional help ?
    Hello bigmarco, we dont have any representative coz we will wait first the tribunal reply! And i confused why did they send back to manila? Because im here already in u.k and they refused my FLR(m)? Is that there way of process?

  7. #7
    Respected Member skysisi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I just moved the thread to Help & Advice
    Thank you maam rayna

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