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Thread: what the....@#%&

  1. #1
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    what the....@#%&

    i am so with my father just now... i cant believe he has been texting and calling everyone in my phone. i really hate it when they start meddling over my private life. i am just so ........

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Calm down..maybe dad has his reason why he's doing that..have u tried discussing it with him?that u didnt like it when they meddle with ur private life?my parents too are sometimes like that but not to the point they will call or text the numbers on my phone they will just check who i am talking or chatting with because i am not used in sharing with them all details about my private life and after we have a heart to heart talk we had a chance of explaining our sides and right now that i am engaged to be married they trust me now with my decisions since they know i love my fiance..
    Maybe ure dad is just concern about u..u'd better asked him why he is doing that to clarify things..

  3. #3
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    it was my fault anyway, leaving my address book lying about in my room. they know i dont like what they do.

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    well ud better be careful next time..make sure u keep all ur adress book in ur locker..

  5. #5
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    yeah i will... im just trying to find out now who else they have called/texted.

  6. #6
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    that is normal for the parents, they just concern with you mitch

  7. #7
    Respected Member mommyhere's Avatar
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    sorry mitch...wasn't able to text you back for I run out of load and loading station is closed at that time...
    yeah, I dont do that either...just so happen that my kids and me established an open line communication when it comes to their daily activites, secrets and whereabouts...even cried on my lap when my youngest son broke up with his girlfriend, that's how open they are to me... they even asked me to buy condoms...when i was in the grocery.. even as a parent..I will never invade the privacy of my kids...As you told me...I really am was a COOL MOM!!

    Speak to ur mom first and tell her how u feel about ur dad's's easy to open with moms then let your mom discuss it with your dad. Or you can tell ur dad in a way of a question why he did those things...and tell him...that he should trust you more..if you made mistakes ...if ever lang ha girl, then tell them that its ur learning stage.
    thats all kasi gamitin na ng anak ko pc for his drawings...bye girl

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