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Hello everyone,
Just a quick intro of myself.
My naame is Edward John Jones I am 64 yrs young today 14th of April. I joined this community to make friends both Filipino and British prior to my relo. cation to the Philippines. I am retired more or less and live alone in my little rented house here in Swansea, Wales. I am a great Filipinofile if that could be the right word hehehe... In other words I love the Philippines and the people, I have had many filipino friends over the years and I often ask myself why I did not find a filipina for a wife many years ago. Well I'm searching now and seriously so and hope to find her before I relocate there later this year but if not then my search will go on when I am there in-situ so to speak.
Well folks, thats me in a nutshell, a real nut trying to get out.