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Thread: Recent movie downloads

  1. #1
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Recent movie downloads

    Since there is no tv as such worth watching over here, I have turned onto downloading more movies. I have a really good connection here, often getting over 2mb per second and I have been told up to 8mb per second.

    Anyway, last night I watched Safe. It is a Jason Stathan movie where he is trying to look after a young Chinese girl from the Russian and Chinese mobs. Lots of good action, chases and fights.

    The second movie I saw last night was Killer Elite, another Jason Stanthan movie, with Robert DeNiro. They play as mercenaries, but Jason retires but has to then go back into service to get DeNiro out of a fix. Again, lots of action, good story and well worth a watch.

    Some more recent watches are:

    Cloud Atlas
    Expendables 2
    A good Day to Die Hard

    Thumbs up for all above mentioned.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  2. #2
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    I'm quite a fan of Jason Statham and enjoy watching his movies. He's made a number of 'The Transporter' movies Steve, they'll all action movies and pretty good too.
    There's the original The Transporter and two sequels, Transporter 2 & Transporter 3.

    If you're interested to watch something a 'little different' he also made a couple of movies called Crank and Crank2 (High Voltage)
    I think you'd enjoy those too.

    Steve, how did you find 'A good Day to Die Hard'? I do enjoy those movies and haven't seen this latest one. Good one?

    I'd have thought you wouldn't need to download, just pop outside and buy a handful of the all the latest Hollywood blockbusters for a couple of quid

    Take care Steve.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Hi Peter,

    I am also a fan of Jason Statham. I have seen the Transporter movies and but prefer the first. I will download the Crank movies (maybe tonight) and see what they are like and give you my feedback
    The new Die Hard was your normal all action film, wit ha slightly different angle on the theme, but if you enjoyed the first 3 then this is a good watch too. (I won't give anything away)

    As for buying Peter... right here in Fularji there is nothing, and when I say nothing I mean nothing. It is hard to describe the place, but sparse, dirty, cold, polluted, cold, outback, country dirty and did I mention cold... get the idea Only one new shopping mall, filled with designer shops where no one can afford to buy anything and nothing else. The other day as I was walking along the street going to the Mall, this old, bent, wrinkled and bedraggled Chinese man just looked at me and started laughing at the top of his voice.... everyone just stopped and looked. Can you imagine the film Deliverance and swap the locals for Chinese.... that's it.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    I liked him in Blitz - brilliant film

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    the bank job is one of his best movies for me, also a true story makes it a little better too

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    the bank job is one of his best movies for me, also a true story makes it a little better too
    Agreed I enjoyed that one

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