Hello Rob and Elsa,

i'm glad you're having fun.

I leave France tonight on 23.30 ferry, arrive UK 7am on the 9th.
Plan to get a flight to HK the same day if possible, so with a little luck, we might bump into each other floating around the airport...

Would be nice to meet up, even if just to say a quick hello, handshake and bon voyage.

You'll be heading back to sunny Wales, while i'll be heading south to meet up with Ecxy.

Ignor all the mutton jokes from your ''friends of the forum''.... they're just fleecing you of your current position and trying to make you feel a little sheepish cos your from another part of UK. All will be fine once you get BAAAAHHCK from your trip.
There's enough rain to help grow the mint for next years sauce...

Take care, safe journey and hope to meet up in HK if possible.