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Thread: Fiance Visa category not listed in online form

  1. #1
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    Fiance Visa category not listed in online form

    I am very confused by the categories on the online-form and what they represent. I am the fiancee of a British Citizen, i am currently outside of the UK, we are only engaged but not married. We have made arrangement with a marriage registrar to get married on the 9th Nov inside UK. So when i want to apply for the visa to get married in the UK and settle after the ceremony by proceeding to apply for the leave to remain. I am advised to apply under the category of "Settlement; marriage" instead of "Settlement; proposed civil partnership". When explained to me why the officer told me "proposed civil partnership" is only meant for same-sex couples. However according to the website there isnt any indication of requirement that states it is only for same-sex couples. On the website it is always "Fiance OR Proposed Civil Partnership". When ask where i could locate such category the officer explained to me that it is under "Marriage" and then "Fiance". However i have now completed a new form and i still have not come across such category. Could anyone explain to me why i belong in the "Settlement, Marriage" category eventhough we are not married? We have been doing research on Fiancee visa and we have no knowledge of what is the difference between the two. I have also screen shot the website.

    Thank you all for reading this
    Last edited by raynaputi; 19th April 2013 at 16:38. Reason: removed link

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You need to choose Settlement and then Marriage options. That's how it is. And they are correct, Proposed Civil Partnership is for same sex marriage. It's the common mistake a lot of people applying for Fiancee visa make. I know as I did the same and had to go to a computer shop to redo the application papers.
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