Hello Crazymeister, welcome to the forum
As Steve has said there's plenty of great information here and few searches will really help you.
As an initial help take a look at this recent thread here called The 1st step
Just for the basics take a look at this forum guide called All New Guide - How to apply for a Spouse/Partner Visa
Yes, of course you'll need to have valid visa. Again there's a lot of information here. It really all depends on you own individual view decisions and circumstances on how you
move forward with that
Everything from a Balikbayan Visa-free years to continuing regular visa extension scenario, to section 13a permanent visa or even the SRRV (Special Resident Retirees Visa)
Take a look at the website here Bureau of Immigration (BI) - Visa Requirements follow the links and enjoy your research.
Your review and research on the above topics, coupled with your own circumstances will give you some good direction indicators.
Good luck