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Thread: Do's and Dont's of Long Distance Relationship

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Do's and Dont's of Long Distance Relationship


    1) Establish an effective communication channel
    The very first thing that you must do in a long distance relationship is to establish an effective communication channel. Most people will think that telephone is the most convenient mode of communication but apart from the telephone services, there are some other alternative you can use. Instant messenger, emails, VOIP phone and conventional mails can be very effective if you know how to use them. Each of the communication channels has its own advantages and disadvantages and therefore you must start to explore each of them to enhance your communication experience.
    2) Plan to meet each other
    There is nothing more important than planning to meet each other again at an interval of time throughout the period of your long distance relationship. This will help both you and your partner to catch up with each other over the things that you cannot do while apart. The anticipation of seeing each other again will always give you the excitement, hope and as well as eliminating the lonely feeling in your LDR.
    3) Build hobby that you can both share
    By building and keeping a hobby, both of you will have something to discuss and work on throughout your distance relationship. Finding something to do online can be quite interesting judging from its speed and reach ability but never leave out conventional hobby as well because you do not need to have your partner’s physical present to share a hobby.
    4) Surprise your partner
    Occasionally surprise you partner with cards, gifts, letter and flower out of their expectation apart from your normal correspondence. Put your imagination to use and your partner will be sure to love your effort in keeping them happy. Sending the unexpected gifts to your partner will always spice up your distance relationship regardless how far your partner may be.
    5) Capture and share that interesting moment
    Throughout the period of your LDR, you can always capture some interesting moment of yours by exchanging photos, video clips and as well as audio recording. This will indirectly keep your partner informed on what has happen in your life despite the physical distance.


    1) Settle for a temporary replacement
    One of the mistakes that a distance relationship couple often make is to settle for a temporary replacement when their partner is not physical around. By letting a third party into your life, you will not only put your distance relationship to risk but you will also break the mutual trust and agreement that you make. Although it may not be done intentionally but this type of mistake will be very costly to your long distance relationship.
    2) Take the relationship lightly
    The absence of your partner does not give you the license to dictate and manipulate the relationship. You must remember that, your partner has their own right to participate in any decision making toward the well being of your relationship regardless where there are. A long distance relationship is also as important as a normal relationship and your partner has their own right to be treated fairly.
    3) Wait and see attitude
    Most of the failures in distance relationship that we observed are contributed by the wait and see attitude of the couples themselves. This was caused by the insecurity of the couple as they do not think that the LDR will work but at the same time they do not want to put a stop to the relationship. Let me tell you this, if you plan to have this kind of attitude, refrain from walking into one at the first place because both you and your partner will suffer in the relationship. In a LDR, both partners must be committed and proactive in bringing the relationship to a higher level.
    4) Suspicion
    There are no rooms for suspicion in a long distance relationship. In order for you to survive your distance relationship, you must learn to trust your partner whole heartedly. A single suspicion will break the bond you have for each other and it is a beginning of the end if you start to suspect your partner at any point of your LDR. Although it is easier said than done but trust me, if your partner is apt to do something unfaithful to you, they will still do it under your nose. Therefore there is no need for you to create such unnecessary stress in your LDR.
    5) Succumb to negative comment on LDR
    Couples in distance relationship always make a mistake by believing that LDR do not work. The negative impression you have in LDR will eventually hunt you down and destroy your relationship if you choose to listen to the negative comment. Therefore, once you have decided to enter into a long distance relationship, you must learn to believe that your relationship will work. I knew it because I had successfully conquered my own distance relationship due to the reason that I am not influence by any of the bad comments I received.

  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Some good advice there Char now the question is..

    how do I surprise my partner

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    Some good advice there Char now the question is..

    how do I surprise my partner
    Borrow Mr Admins private jet?

  4. #4
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Borrow Mr Admins private jet?

    so private, there are not even doors

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Its the lack of windows which worried me and you will need one hell of a elastic band to get over to phill.

  6. #6
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    char, again, some very very helpful words and i appreciate all your help in this post! yes! i agree 100% so char, good work there! thank you for your words in this post!

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Good topics there, Charity
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Thanks Charl.... I will keep this in mind.....

  10. #10
    Member anya's Avatar
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    LDRs, like every relationships, need nurturing. if you want it to grow, you have to take care of it. trust, faith and love should be enough to withstand the distance.

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