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Thread: Trichloroethylene exposure (possible claim?)

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Trichloroethylene exposure (possible claim?)

    hello all, about 15 years ago i worked on an open top vapour degreasing bath, the solvent vapour i was exposed to was Trichloroethylene (tce), there was a different solvent used before it was changed to tce but i cant remember its name.
    i was useing this machine for about 5 years,this company has since moved to thailand and there old site is now there warehouse.
    the main symptom i have is daytime sleepiness, even if i have 7 8 9 hours sleep in the night im still sleepy all day and want my bed,
    about 5 years ago there was a documentry on tv about this solvent, did anyone see it? ive looked on youtube but cant find it. the guy was like me, he gets home from work and just wants to sleep, cant remember much else about the documentry.
    does anyone know if theres a chance of a successful claim

  2. #2
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    I suppose it all depends if your ex employer is still in existence or has a successor that a claim action can be made against

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    loads of ads on radio now from solicitors for those who had accidents at work etc..

    might try contacting a local one who specialize in that area and see what they say.

  4. #4
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I know it is not nice stuff Tony, I have also used the vapour baths in previous jobs. I think after a quick look at long term effects of exposure to tce it appears to hit the central nervous system. If this produces tiredness I don't know. Maybe get your blood pressure checked. Perhaps Alan might be able to find something in his journals.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  5. #5
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    thanks guys, and thanks steve, i remember when the company changed to tce, i thought thay change because it was safer ,ive read that the chances of getting parkinsons disease is six fold after long term exposure.
    ive emailed fentons but no reply yet, not keeping my hopes up for a reply or even a chance of a claim, but theres no harm in trying i guess

  6. #6
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    thanks guys, and thanks steve, i remember when the company changed to tce, i thought thay change because it was safer ,ive read that the chances of getting parkinsons disease is six fold after long term exposure.
    ive emailed fentons but no reply yet, not keeping my hopes up for a reply or even a chance of a claim, but theres no harm in trying i guess
    Hi tony as joe says a good accident at work solicitor needs to be contacted i wish you all the best for a successful claim


  7. #7
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    Trichlorethylene ( TCE ) was actually used as an anaesthetic until the 1960’s because of its effects on the nervous system. It was replaced by more effective anaesthetics with less side effects. Acute ( immediate ) effects resemble alcohol intoxication. Such effects after a decade are not likely.

    Most of what we know about effects on health of TCE come from occupational exposure, before stricter ventilation controls and personal protection. It has been used not only for degreasing metal parts, but also dry cleaning / stain removal, and its main use now is in chlorinated chemical production.

    The problem with your symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness is that tiredness is common ( 1 / 5 people are said to be “ unusually tired “ at any one time ). Chances are that it’s psychological ( anxiety for example due to work or money problems ), rather than physical – but there are many possible medical causes such as anaemia, underactive thyroid, or diabetes. These are more likely if there are other symptoms.

    Either way, a visit to your doctor’s is free in the UK, and simple examination / blood tests should reassure and possibly find a cause. It’s unlikely ( in my opinion ) that TCE could be shown to be the cause.

    I’m sure you’ve seen internet information on TCE ( such as

    There are indeed articles – as Steve suggests – in “ my journals “ linking TCE to liver and kidney disease, among others. However, I DON’T think it’s appropriate to alarm you by suggesting there is anything medically wrong – only that you should be reassured by your own doctor. That, in my opinion, should be your first move before approaching a solicitor, or even considering chance of a “ successful claim “.

  8. #8
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    thanks alan, that makes alot of sense,i do have job worries and worried about my mom and the future etc, i will visit the doctors and get some tests done

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Sound advice Alan.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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