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Thread: advice for my mum visiting in the uk

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  1. #1
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    advice for my mum visiting in the uk

    hey guys!

    It appears that i need to send the 6 months of my husband's wage slips, bank statement and also his P60 to provide evidence to my mum's visa application to come here to visit us.

    Can i send only copies for (wage slip and P60) as we need the original one here....

    any help greatly appreciated...

  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    You can only send copies IF it is duly NOTARISED by a solicitor.
    Last edited by melovesengland; 15th March 2013 at 14:04. Reason: typed the wrong word

  3. #3
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    There are no hard-and-fast rules or mandatory documents to be supplied by a sponsor intending to support a family visit.

    However, this is a listing of fairly typical supporting documents that should be provided:-

    - 6 months Bank statements
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proof of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page, any relevant stamp pages)
    - P60 (only if available and valid)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time

    The first and foremost thing that needs to be kept in mind when applying for a visit visa for UK, is that there must be an intention for the applicant to return to their home country.
    Have a well thought out travel plan. Date of Travel, duration of stay and reasons for travelling.

    The absolute keys are going to be:-

    - Reasons to return home that outweigh reasons to stay
    - Financials

    Reasons to return home and strong/complelling ties differ from country to country, city to city, individual to individual.
    Some examples of ties can be a job, a house, social and family relationships, a bank account, possessions etc
    The ECO will be looking to see if the aspects of life that bind someone to their country outweigh those aspects that may cause them to be unwilling to return to their home country, or to attempt to change or extend their visa status.

    I have known many folks be granted a visa when only supplying photocopies of important documents.
    On the other hand I've known refusals made also.

    Indeed UKBA only stipulate that:-

    The documents we need will depend on the circumstances of the case. We may ask you to send us:
    evidence of your own immigration status in the United Kingdom; and
    a letter of sponsorship explaining your relationship to the person who is applying, the purpose of the visit and where your general visitor will stay.

    If you will provide financial support and accommodation for your general visitor and/or pay for his/her travel to the United Kingdom, you should send us the following as evidence that you are able to do so:
    copies of your bank or building society statements and payslips for the last six months; or
    a copy of your savings account book.
    Personally, I would always suggest sending only certified copies.
    There can then be no refusal based on the document originality and genuineness. Just a case of minimising risk, especially with visit visa's where the ECO has a complete discretion.

    Actually, having documents certified need not be difficult or expensive.
    For bank statements you bank will normally certify as a true copy for free just by stamping each sheet.

    To certify documents, ask a professional person such as:-

    Bank or Building Society official
    Police Officer
    Teacher or Lecturer

    The person you ask shouldn’t be related to you, living at the same address or in a relationship with you.

    Have the photocopy and the original document and ask the person to certify the copy by simply writing ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’ on the document.
    They then sign it, date it, (printing their name under the signature). Add their occupation, address and contact details.

    Photocopies of your payslips can be certified by your employer.

    Hope that helps

  4. #4
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    thanks again terpe ur advice helps me a lot.. thanks melovesengland

  5. #5
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    hi guys! i think we have things in order from the uk side...but my family is having terrible difficulty getting hold of someone who makes any sense in cebu or manila regarding what my mum has to provide for her side of the visit visa application.

    this is what we sent-

    - 6 months Bank statements from me and hubby
    - 6 months pay slips from hubby
    - Proof of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details / tenancy agreement plus landlord invitation letter
    - Sponsors passport copies (Photo pages, all relevant stamp pages)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time
    - Reasons to return home for my mum that outweigh her reasons to stay ie- family,large house she owns and her extended family in fili.

    I think that my mum needs to do a similar letter to us stating her main reasons for visit? a copy of her deeds to her house? and a copy of her passport? and any savings she has? and also saying she wont overstay her visa duration? does she need to provide any form of bank statements?

    its £44.95 to send our documents by dhl and have them tracked ALL the way in case anyone else is thinking of sending any docs to fili.This is only if you book and pay online,By phone its £56.80

    What do people think? have we got our bases covered? And one last question....theres a few catergories on the UKBA website ,i think my mum is applying for the VISA which is - "a parent of a child who is british or who is settled in the uk" ? bearing in mind that i am on a spouse visa and married to my uk hubby is this correct?

    so excited my mum maybe come here soon!!!!

  6. #6
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    Firstly,... that's not the correct visa

    The UKBA website states that to qualify for that specific visa the applicant:-
    must be the parent of a child who is under the age of 18 on the date you apply...
    Your mum should ideally apply as a Family Visitor.
    Take a good look at the UKBA webpage called Can you come to the UK as a family visitor?

    Regarding the supporting evidence/documents from you mum's side.
    The applicant (your mum) should provide as many relevant documents as possible to show that they can qualify for entry to the UK.
    It's down to the personal circumstances of each applicant just which specific documents will be best, but the documents should contain:-
    - information about the applicant
    - information about the applicants finances and employment
    - the accommodation and travel details
    - information about the visit to the UK

    Here is the UKBA Guide to Supporting Documents for visiting the UK

    The application should be supported with the following documents:-

    - if employed, a letter from the employer granting leave of absence from the job for a specified period - the letter should also indicate length of service with that employer, in what job(s), and the expected back at work date.
    - if self-employed, evidence of the business activities and financial standing
    - evidence of any property owned in the home country
    - if a student, a letter from the school or college stating the course, its start and finish dates, and the dates of the holiday period when visiting the United Kingdom
    - evidence of any family or social ties and responsibilities to return home to
    - evidence of any firm travel plans made
    - bank statements going back over a period of several months
    - evidence of savings/funds available during the UK stay
    - evidence that the applicant can financially maintain and accommodate themself in the UK with or without assistance from family/friends living in the UK but without resource to public funding or employment.

  7. #7
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    hi terpe thanks for the reply but i still can't find the correct visa for my mum in ukba website...... am i looking in the right place?

  8. #8
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    i've been checking to this website for an online application but there's no luck at all...

    i still cant find out the online family visit application :( i tried the find forms and forms a to z

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by queenie View Post
    i've been checking to this website for an online application but there's no luck at all...

    i still cant find out the online family visit application :( i tried the find forms and forms a to z
    OK Queenie, don't panic.
    The needed form is VAF1B -
    Just for your info only here's what it looks like

    Here are the guidance notes to go with it.

    You MUST apply online so as a first step Look here to apply visa online

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page, tick the little box that says "I have read the above information and the relevant guidance notes" and then click continue.

    Now you are at the Application Security page. Complete all those details, then click next.

    Now you at the "Your Visa Requirements" page.
    From the drop-down menu's:-
    Enter location = Philippines
    Enter country of Nationality = Philippines
    Enter Type of Visa = Visit
    Enter Purpose of Application = Family Visitor
    Enter Type of Application = enter which type of visa you want (Family single entry or multipe entry, or long term multiple entry 1,2,5 or 10years)

    Click next to continue.

    Hope that helps you

  10. #10
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    thanks terpe... got it now! gotta log in first

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by queenie View Post
    thanks terpe... got it now! gotta log in first
    when i did my mother in-laws visa i just paid the man at the embassy £50 did not need any pay slips or so on, the best visa to get is a NATO visa they are 100% free and you can visit any NATO county you like for as long as you like,

  12. #12
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevecebu View Post
    when i did my mother in-laws visa i just paid the man at the embassy £50 did not need any pay slips or so on, the best visa to get is a NATO visa they are 100% free and you can visit any NATO county you like for as long as you like,
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  13. #13
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevecebu View Post
    when i did my mother in-laws visa i just paid the man at the embassy £50 did not need any pay slips or so on, the best visa to get is a NATO visa they are 100% free and you can visit any NATO county you like for as long as you like,
    Please DO NOT give any advice that would not be helpful to the one asking some help! We need facts and legitimate processes here! Are you just trying to increase your post counts???? Your post count doesn't matter here in the forum. We don't need another person who winds up everyone here!
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    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  15. #15
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by queenie View Post
    hey guys!

    It appears that i need to send the 6 months of my husband's wage slips, bank statement and also his P60 to provide evidence to my mum's visa application to come here to visit us.

    Can i send only copies for (wage slip and P60) as we need the original one here....

    any help greatly appreciated...
    Hi Queenie, it's Tish here

    My sister decided to come and visit us after much deliberation and here's what we did:

    1. Filled application form online on 18/03/2013, after that I've photocopied all my P60 x3, Wage slips x6, Proof of our Mortgage, Savings and Bank account + sponsor's supporting letter then e-mailed everything to my sister so she can print them all off.

    2. Dropped off all printed documents above including her passport and any proof of her identification to Visa center in Cebu on 21/03/13

    3. Documents arrived in Manila 26/03/13 then we have the Bank holiday weekend.

    4. Visa decision received on 10/04/13

    6. Sister picked up passport today 12/04/13, so I'm in the process now of trying to get her a flight to arrive next week

    So don't worry too much

  16. #16
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    hi tish.. thanks for the info... applied mums visa last thursday april 18 in cebu.. and it says on the status (it's been forwarded at the british high commission)... my mum is a bit nervous now hehehe as she really wanted to come here.. fingers crossed that she will get a good result...

  17. #17
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by queenie View Post
    hi tish.. thanks for the info... applied mums visa last thursday april 18 in cebu.. and it says on the status (it's been forwarded at the british high commission)... my mum is a bit nervous now hehehe as she really wanted to come here.. fingers crossed that she will get a good result...

    You're welcome dai

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