My wifes partner visa has recently been issued. We paid a bit extra to get the documents along with the visa to be returned by courier.
Unfortunately many of the documents were not returned. I am self employed so submitted lots of accounts, personal and business bank statements, invoices etc. I also sent many pages of skype logs, email cards etc. along with photos.
For the most part I was not expecting to get many of these items returned (although I provided copies of everything that was sent).
However, I was surprised to find that neither original nor copies of my banks statements , accountants letter, photos, logs, and my wifes IELTS English certificate were returned.
Fortunately they returned my birth certificate!
I can only come up with 3 reasons why they have returned a pittance of what was sent (we submitted 2 big ringbinders of docs... one were originals, one were copies)
1. This is standard procedure... rules are rules everyone gets treat the same, they keep mostly everything
2. To avoid higher courier charges only the vital docs are returned
3. Jealously by someone involved in processing the application
If I had known practically nothing would have been returned I would have made extra copies of everything. Most things I can get back but it will take me time to put my accounts together again.
I also do not have a copy of the accountants letter which I had agonised over its correct drafting. With the new rules we were in unchartered waters and I didn't know quite how this letter should have been worded. It would have served as a great template for future applications.
Perhaps others when they receive their docs back can add to this thread and list what was returned.
When my wife gets here, I will see exactly what has been returned. I will contact VFS and ask for an explanation.