Hi All,

I recently married in the Philippines and I'm now making preparations for my wife's UK spouse visa.

I think I understand the main requirements fairly well, but there are some grey areas concerning public funds that I'm not too confident about.

I have a good job and earn almost double the required sponsor threshold and have savings, but at the moment still live in a council property shared with one parent. Both my name and the name of my parent are on the tenancy agreement. I pay half of the rent and utility bills and neither of us claim any benefits of any kind.

I had originally intended that my wife and I would live here temporarily until she is settled and then we can find a place of our own together.

My question is, will the UKBA see living in a council property as recourse to public funds even though the tenancy agreement is in my name? I did not want to have to move out now as it would delay the application for the visa by at least another six months and I would rather my wife were here when we make a decision about where we will live permanently.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

