Yep we are..
But like Jake said, I moved here just to be with Keith..When I was in the Philippines, I was living a comfortable life. I had a job, I can say a salary 2x or probably 3x the average wage, I can buy whatever I want or go to places, and I can help my parents with the bills. I knew that if ever I lost my job then, I can easily get a new one. But now that I'm here in the UK, I'm always wondering if ever I'd be able to get a job while in the UK. I even applied for voluntary jobs and still currently waiting for any response. I'd probably have a job now if we live in London though, but it's not that easy moving places here in the UK. You need a lot of money to do that.
But I chose to be with Keith and he can't live in the Philippines. So I moved here. The good thing is Keith and his family are keeping me comfortable and happy here. But other than that, I'd still choose to be in the Philippines. It's just not the same for me. This country might be a greener pasture for some, but definitely not for me.