Yes indeed Arthur.
I know just what's it's like to very naively believe that to be the case.
As in our case back in year 2002 when we first decided to come to UK and take care of my elderly parents.

When we really discovered the application details we were well and truly flummoxed, and also disappointed.

Now looking back at all the changes, challenges and complexities I can only think how lucky we were.
It really seems that those of us who take that path are the very easy targets. Our honesty and dedication to our loved ones gets trashed time and time again by our politicians. It's a disgrace.

Whoops!! sorry Arthur. I nearly went into rant mode again.

I really feel so sad for those folks who will face even tougher challenges in the future. In my mind it's completely wrong that politicians can control who we fall in love with and want to spend our lives with.
Especially when it comes down to money. How much you've got and how much much you earn.

We're both lucky Arthur. We managed to achieve our aspirations and find happiness.

We must do the best we can to support those who want to follow the same path that we did and to do all we can to bring their hopes and dreams into reality.