View Poll Results: Would you like to stay and live in the UK or the Philippines?

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  • Yes, I want to stay in the UK

    3 27.27%
  • No, I want to live in the Philippines

    3 27.27%
  • I will live where ever my partner and I are happy

    5 45.45%
Results 1 to 30 of 68

Thread: Changed Days

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Arthur Little Changed Days 25th April 2013, 14:09
Terpe Yes indeed Arthur. :cwm25: I... 25th April 2013, 20:12
Arthur Little :icon_rolleyes: ... I'll bet... 26th April 2013, 18:24
Arthur Little Once again, :iagree: ... on ... 26th April 2013, 19:04
andy222 Good posts... 25th April 2013, 20:50
Arthur Little That's kind of you, Andy ...... 26th April 2013, 19:21
grahamw48 Cost me forty quid for the... 26th April 2013, 21:29
Terpe I remember my wife attending... 26th April 2013, 23:32
Steve.r This is exactly the thing... 27th April 2013, 01:32
Steve.r lol, sound like they bought... 27th April 2013, 01:34
jake 20 odd years ago my mum was... 27th April 2013, 08:50
bigmac it bemuses me the number of... 27th April 2013, 08:54
jake Bigmac, did i knock the UK??... 27th April 2013, 09:06
bigmac i wasnt pointing the finger... 27th April 2013, 13:16
Ako Si Jamie :Erm: How do you work than... 27th April 2013, 15:21
grahamw48 Well I'm sure it's certainly... 27th April 2013, 13:32
Steve.r Bigmac, I have to disagree... 27th April 2013, 14:33
bigmac and enough persons from the... 27th April 2013, 13:51
jake The thing you seem to be not... 27th April 2013, 13:56
andy222 The only reasons I can see... 28th April 2013, 09:40
fred And roast beef and a good... 28th April 2013, 12:44
bigmac i AM in those shoes--and ive... 27th April 2013, 14:11
jake Sorry to here that. So why... 27th April 2013, 14:15
grahame 1 Well said 27th April 2013, 14:16
bigmac So why are you so proud to be... 27th April 2013, 14:30
bigmac @steve.r---oh i'm all for... 27th April 2013, 14:45
jake Bigmac, even though i agree... 27th April 2013, 15:08
Steve.r Like I said, I see both... 27th April 2013, 15:09
bigmac Originally Posted by bigmac ... 27th April 2013, 15:27
Ako Si Jamie Come back to Birmingham and... 27th April 2013, 15:34
andy222 Spot on.:xxgrinning--00xx3: 3rd May 2013, 08:17
bigmac You have a girlfriend/wife... 27th April 2013, 15:23
jake You may be surprised that not... 27th April 2013, 15:32
bigmac I doubt if they would share... 27th April 2013, 15:38
Ako Si Jamie I'm not saying that they... 27th April 2013, 15:43
bigmac You be surprised that not all... 27th April 2013, 15:36
jake My wife has visited the UK on... 27th April 2013, 15:48
bigmac life is in this country for... 27th April 2013, 15:47
Ako Si Jamie Even in a recession? 27th April 2013, 15:53
bigmac My wife has visited the UK on... 27th April 2013, 16:00
jake I do not know the answer to... 27th April 2013, 16:08
bigmac Keith and Rayna--arent they... 27th April 2013, 16:18
raynaputi Yep we are.. But like Jake... 27th April 2013, 17:07
Ako Si Jamie I asked a similar question... 27th April 2013, 16:19
Steve.r Bigmac, I think you carry a... 27th April 2013, 16:21
Steve.r Poll added 27th April 2013, 16:27
jake Cheer's Steve... 28th April 2013, 03:28
Steve.r Me too Jake, preferably where... 28th April 2013, 03:35
Ako Si Jamie bigmac click on QUOTE... 27th April 2013, 16:08
bigmac thanx for that tip--learn... 27th April 2013, 16:17
fred As a family I can honestly... 27th April 2013, 16:32
bigmac i suppose my take on this... 27th April 2013, 17:31
raynaputi The ones you met, yeah, but... 27th April 2013, 17:49
Steve.r :xxgrinning--00xx3: 27th April 2013, 18:26
andy222 Damn right.:xxgrinning--00xx3: 28th April 2013, 09:42
bigmac its a pity so many are here... 27th April 2013, 19:58
jake Why did you use the word... 28th April 2013, 03:34
sheriel Sheriel From Leyte 27th April 2013, 20:48
Ako Si Jamie I bet Padre Burgos is better!... 27th April 2013, 21:12
fred :xxgrinning--00xx3: Cornwall... 28th April 2013, 04:49
bigmac i was born--and grew up--in... 3rd May 2013, 11:22
Ako Si Jamie People don't emigrate just... 6th May 2013, 11:08
stevewool sounds just like me there... 6th May 2013, 13:03
bigmac so--where would you move to? 6th May 2013, 12:55
Ako Si Jamie Not everywhere is the same. 6th May 2013, 14:11
Arthur Little :biggrin: ... changed topic ... 6th May 2013, 13:40
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  1. #1
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    and enough persons from the EEA are only too happy to come here. must be a reason.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    and enough persons from the EEA are only too happy to come here. must be a reason.
    The thing you seem to be not thinking about is the fact that the government has come up with some stupid rule that you must earn X amount to bring your loved one to the UK.

    I cant imagine how i would feel if i was in their shoes. Actually i know how i would feel and it wouldn't be pro UK.

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    and enough persons from the EEA are only too happy to come here. must be a reason.
    The only reasons I can see are benefits nhs and free education. Nothing else.

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    The only reasons I can see are benefits nhs and free education. Nothing else.
    And roast beef and a good supply of Marmite and Branston pickle.

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