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I'm probably going to upset a few people here, but I see it a different way.
Firstly there's no doubt that this was a tragic event, but trying to put the blame or making us feel guilty is just a distraction from the cause.
Yes they are paid a ridiculously low wage, but by whose standards? Does anyone think that if we were willing to pay twice as much for our clothes that the wages would double over there? No, the owners of the firms would still find somewhere cheap to rent or buy, pay the same wage and make twice the profit. The workers get paid the going rate for that kind of work in that country.
The problem lies with the people being allowed to work in a building waiting to collapse, if it were here the building would have been condemned and if people had been in there working when it collapsed the owners would be facing man slaughter charges.
I wish the media would focus on what caused the accident and how to prevent future incidents like this rather than trying to make us feel guilty for buying from the likes of Primark.