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Thread: Residency 13A Proof of financial Capacity

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  1. #1
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i would be interested to find this out too, as hopefully it wont be long before i follow in your footsteps,

    paul , can i ask you, on your earlier thread you said after getting basic disclosure it would give you 6 months to decide, can i take it that it has 6 months expiry time,?if getting 13a unlike cni which is only 3 months validity,

    also i got a bit confused for getting the disclosure leagalised, everything on internet seems to say the nearest phil embassy in uk , you said that yours was returned, ?
    and i read it that it had to be sent to
    Legalisation Office
    Foreign & Commonwealth Office
    PO Box 6255
    Milton Keynes
    MK10 1XX
    to be leagalised,?
    could you please confirm for me this is correct,

    sorry i cant help you with your question of capacity

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    East Midlands
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    Hi Imagine,the police disclosure,you need to get it notary public stamped then sent to fco so they confirm the notary(legalized) then you need to send it to Philippines embassy London,i think alot of the info was in that other thread before,very expensive really but has to be done.
    Notary public in UK they can charge things like 65 pounds or 95 pounds etc as done mostly by soliciters i think but out here in Phils anything to do with immigration you can get notary free at immigration bureau or something not to do with immigration for just a pound or two at the side of immigration building.
    What i will say is any UK document you use must have been notarized and approved in uk,i was trying to use an English bank statement but they wouldn't let me without it being confirmed legit in the UK but they said wifes bank account or joint bank account statements would be fine.

    I think i read the basic disclosure must be used within a certain period,i'd need to try and check,could be 3 months but can't remember off top of my head.
    That looks correct address for legalisation you can pay fees through the website and it gives details on what to do but first thing is notary public stamp and remember return post fees for legisation office and also remember return post fees for Philippines embassey London.

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