He never mentioned the word 'comfortably'. That's your political bias coming through Arthur. I'm sure IDS can come out with enough of his own words without you putting them in there for him.

What he said was that if he had to he would.

It has since been proven that it is indeed possible.

In fact Grace and I can live reasonably well on £106 per week which is the £53 x 2. We have done this without even trying.

What he is suggesting is that for those more wealthy pensioners in receipt of the winter fuel allowance, free TV license and bus passes who want to give some of that back then there should be a mechanism in place to do that.

I don't see what is wrong with that.

Perhaps you can explain why.

There was a programme of TV recently which highlighted how difficult it is to pay it back if you don't want it.

I know of several pensioners who would return the money if they could.

The demographic group of pensioners has been least affected by the cuts so I would doubt that such benefits are protected following the next election.

I agree with the free public transport but IMO the fuel allowance should be means tested.