Quote Originally Posted by Andy n Grasya View Post
I disagree.
... that's fine; everybody's entitled to his/her own opinion!

Quote Originally Posted by Andy n Grasya View Post
His words were "If I had to, I would." Where is the implication of comfortably in that sentence?
Yes, and ... he DID have to at one stage - he even had occasion to claim Unemployment Benefit - admittedly. But "get real," Andy! That was for [at most] a few short months back in 1981 ... an era when £53 a week was worth a helluva lot more than it is nowadays. Added to which, he would've undoubtedly received a [fairly] generous Army Pension following his 5 years' service as a commissioned officer in the Scots Guards.

Thereafter, he worked in the armaments trade ... first, I believe, with GEC~Marconi - and later with another firm dealing with the sale of guns - before being "fired" (read made redundant) himself. Despite being a by birth, it appears he barely "set the heather alight" in either position.

However, his fortunes changed again when, within a year, he'd married the daughter of a wealthy baronet - as a result of which he, his wife and their 4 kids eventually finished up living rent-free in a substantial cottage on his rich father-in-law's estate.

Yet one MORE example of a privileged character - whose contact with harsh reality has long~since faded - living in 'Cloud~ Land'!