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Thread: Millipede & Galloway

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  1. #1
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    Millipede & Galloway

    This is a bit of a laugh, I can't fathom out if the comrades are falling out or brown nosing each other

    Ed Miliband faced a growing revolt last night over his secret meeting with Respect MP George Galloway after it emerged that Mr Miliband had congratulated him on the way he beat Labour in a by-election.
    The controversy over Mr Miliband’s talks with Mr Galloway – who was thrown out of the party in 2003 for his attacks on Tony Blair over the Iraq War – intensified after full details of the meeting in the Labour leader’s office were revealed for the first time.

    Well-placed sources have told The Mail on Sunday that:
    Mr Miliband said he wanted further meetings – but in a secret location so Labour MPs did not find out about it.
    The two discussed Mr Galloway’s fierce criticism of US foreign policy and opposition to British troops in Afghanistan.
    They had a ‘warm’ chat and talked about Mr Galloway’s friendship with Mr Miliband’s late father, Marxist academic Ralph Miliband.
    The Labour leader said he admired Mr Galloway’s campaigning skills and his ability to woo ethnic minority voters.
    Mr Galloway said yesterday: ‘I am shocked by the way that Ed Miliband has misrepresented our private meeting.
    ‘And I regret the fact that he has not felt strong enough within the Labour Party to defend a meeting which he himself asked for. It was perfectly respectful on both sides. He asked me if I knew his father and I said I knew him well and respected him very much.’
    A Labour MP said last night: ‘Ed Miliband should spend less time listening to people like Galloway who are despised by most Labour activists and more time listening to his own MPs.’
    The new account of the meeting in Mr Miliband’s Commons office makes a mockery of claims by the leader’s aides that the two men met briefly to discuss boundary changes in parliamentary constituencies.

    In fact boundary changes took up less than five minutes of the friendly 45-minute talk, with the rest of the conversation covering a wide range of political and personal issues.
    At one point Mr Miliband ‘congratulated’ Mr Galloway on his by-election victory over Labour in Bradford West last year by more than 10,000 votes.
    The Labour leader praised Mr Galloway’s social media campaign and his success in ‘reaching minority voters’.
    Most damaging of all is the disclosure that Mr Miliband suggested they had further meetings, but away from prying eyes.

    The Mail on Sunday’s disclosure last week that the two men had met caused a furious backlash from Labour MPs who regard Mr Galloway as a traitor.
    On Wednesday, Mr Galloway publicly praised Mr Miliband’s ‘high moral character’. But the mutual charm offensive ended when, under mounting Labour pressure to disown Mr Galloway, Mr Miliband denounced his ‘awful’ views and said he did not want him back in the party.
    Mr Galloway hit back by accusing Mr Miliband of lying and branding him an ‘unprincipled coward with the backbone of an amoeba’. I agree with Galloway
    The meeting took place after Mr Miliband’s office emailed Mr Galloway saying the Labour leader was ‘keen to meet’ him.
    A source said: ‘It is absurd to say it was over a Commons vote on parliamentary boundaries. Galloway had already told Labour’s Chief Whip that he would support them over it. They talked about the British and international situation.
    ‘Galloway said Labour should do more to resist austerity measures. He urged Miliband to press for a faster withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan and to distance himself from American foreign policy.’
    An ally of Mr Galloway said: ‘George is very angry at the way Miliband has lied about this meeting.
    ‘It was clear that he was interested in George’s views and took them seriously. He was surprised to be invited to Miliband’s office and still isn’t sure what his motives were.’
    A Labour spokesman said: ‘As we have always said, this meeting was about constituency boundaries.’

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  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I like Galloway..
    I may not agree with a lot he says but I do respect the way he defends his argument with passion and how far he is prepared to go to defend his own personal honour and integrity..
    (Especially where the US Senate is concerned)
    .. Most Conservative politicians are afraid to debate with him as they were afraid to debate Tony Benn.. !!

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I like Galloway..
    I may not agree with a lot he says but I do respect the way he defends his argument with passion and how far he is prepared to go to defend his own personal honour and integrity..
    (Especially where the US Senate is concerned)
    .. Most Conservative politicians are afraid to debate with him as they were afraid to debate Tony Benn.. !!
    A very accurate assessment of him.
    Like you I disagree with a lot of what he says but have always admired his debating style. I loved they way he marched into Washington and marched out again and the Yanks didn't know what hit them. I have also for along time admired his unwavering support of the cause of the oppressed Palestinians.
    Whatever was said in their meeting really doesn't matter but one thing is certain George Galloway has more principles than both the Millibands put together.
    Like him or loathe him you know what you get.

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Just threw up at the thought of those two, with Galloway playing the pussy cat sketch

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Just threw up at the thought of those two, with Galloway paying the pussy cat sketch
    A truly horrendous thought Les

  6. #6
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    Can we please go back to being led by sane human beings who put the views AND needs of the MAJORITY of the BRITISH electorate first ?

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Millipede & Galloway? ... a MOST unsuitable alliance, one would've thought!

  8. #8
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    Galloway ?
    No time for him at all.

  9. #9
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Galloway ?
    No time for him at all.
    50/50 for me yes i do like the way he delivers himself BUT he brown nosed his way back into parliament on the back of a muslim vote. Thats not being racist just pointing out a fact. Tony Benn one of my heroes.

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