Well, today I thought I'd get wifey registered at my docs surgery. I'd phoned a few days earlier and they said no problems, just bring her passport in.
So up to the desk we went, and the rottweiler of a receptionist looked up. Can we register my wife I said.
Rotty pulled out a form, and asked where she was registered already. I said she wasn't....and had only just arrived on a spouse visa.
Well, we might have to register her as a private patient said Rotts.
What! I said, it's a spouse visa, she is entitled to register at a GP here.
No said Rotty, I will have to check if her original country has a reciprocal agreement with the UK for NHS facilities.
No no no, said I. She is not from France, she is not from Germany, she is here on a spouse visa, she is from the Philippines. Look at this - and I showed her the spouse visa sticker.
OK said the receptionist, well is she dependant on you?
Sort of I said, but she will be working she hopes eventually.
No said Rotty, it's nothing to do with working, is she dependent on you, I need YOUR passport as well because it will show in there that she is your dependent.
Now this is getting silly was my way of thinking. Of course my passport doesn't have a Filipino spouse visa stamp in it. Of course she isn't named in my passport. I phoned a few days ago and one of your colleagues who actually knew what a spouse settlement visa was told me all we needed was her passport as an ID.
Rotty didn't like this. Who did you speak to she said, I am the duty reception manager you know.
Oh just give me the form and I'll come back later!
I'm now starting to think I'm mistaken. I was certain spouses are entitled to access the NHS