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    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    citizenship soon for me and my daughter

    as this changes and rule arises i am applying hopefully for citizenship..was granted ILR last year but this rule this oct would be implement soon would rather apply soon ..regardless of stress and money still we need to look forward and be positive..
    well anyway my concern is if i am eligible to apply citizenship this may/june i had one dependent and i am confuse if she could apply brittish passpor after the citizeship hopefullly we be granted with were planning goin out country to ease the tention maybe around just europe..has anyone here had same situation as 2 other kids had there brittish passport the were dual citizen aside from my one daughter the 9 year old which is my dependent

    any input thanks
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    you will be fine but it will cost you money

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    Quote Originally Posted by cebujock View Post
    you will be fine but it will cost you money
    What does that mean?

    How do you know it'll fine.?
    Do you know the background ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    as this changes and rule arises i am applying hopefully for citizenship..was granted ILR last year but this rule this oct would be implement soon would rather apply soon ..regardless of stress and money still we need to look forward and be positive..
    well anyway my concern is if i am eligible to apply citizenship this may/june i had one dependent and i am confuse if she could apply brittish passpor after the citizeship hopefullly we be granted with were planning goin out country to ease the tention maybe around just europe..has anyone here had same situation as 2 other kids had there brittish passport the were dual citizen aside from my one daughter the 9 year old which is my dependent

    any input thanks
    Moy, the UKBA term used for child applications as British Citizen is Registration and not Naturalisation. The requirements for children are a lot simpler than for adults.
    Your daughter cannot follow the same route as you Moy. She needs to 18 years old or over to apply for naturalisation.
    Please don't panic Moy, just read Can I register a child aged under 18 as a British citizen?

    You can naturalise on form AN (Cost = £874) and your daughter can register as British Citizen on form MN1 (Cost = £673).

    When your daughter reaches 18 years old she must apply for British citizenship as an adult, either by registration where they have an entitlement, or by naturalisation

  5. #5
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Moy, the UKBA term used for child applications as British Citizen is Registration and not Naturalisation. The requirements for children are a lot simpler than for adults.
    Your daughter cannot follow the same route as you Moy. She needs to 18 years old or over to apply for naturalisation.
    Please don't panic Moy, just read Can I register a child aged under 18 as a British citizen?

    You can naturalise on form AN (Cost = £874) and your daughter can register as British Citizen on form MN1 (Cost = £673).

    When your daughter reaches 18 years old she must apply for British citizenship as an adult, either by registration where they have an entitlement, or by naturalisation
    thanks for reply Terpe i know i ask complicated question at times when its not..pls forgive so if thats the case that i my daughter cannot follow same route as mine now..and she wont have any british passport like his bro/sister she wont be able obviously to travel europe with us unless she apply for a certain visa? is that what you mean or being a register as british citizen is enough evidence to be travel around europe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    thanks for reply Terpe i know i ask complicated question at times when its not..pls forgive so if thats the case that i my daughter cannot follow same route as mine now..and she wont have any british passport like his bro/sister she wont be able obviously to travel europe with us unless she apply for a certain visa? is that what you mean or being a register as british citizen is enough evidence to be travel around europe
    Moy, don't misunderstand.

    Your daughter can get British Passport.

    I only said your daughter needs to be registered as British Citizen because she is too young to become naturalised. She's only 9 years old.
    Once she receives approval from the Home Office she can apply British Passport.
    She can apply for registration on form MN1 same time as you apply for naturalisation on form AN
    Then both apply for British passport together.

    It's a different application form but can be submitted at the same time with the same outcome. British Citizenship.
    Mean you both get British passport together. Hopefully

    Sorry for my previous poor explanation

  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    i know i ask complicated question at times when its not..pls forgive so if thats the case that i my daughter cannot follow same route as mine now.
    Moy, you apply together for naturalisation , once approved wait for the letter for citizenship ceremony , attend the ceremony together then they will give you naturalisation certificate (both you and your daughter) then apply for british passport together via post office or online, wait for the interview (passport) and then wait for the british passport.
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    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Moy, you apply together for naturalisation , once approved wait for the letter for citizenship ceremony , attend the ceremony together then they will give you naturalisation certificate (both you and your daughter) then apply for british passport together via post office or online, wait for the interview (passport) and then wait for the british passport.
    aws very thanks for prompt reply sars:-Dyour an angel;-) you had enlighten my darked confuse mine lolzo_OO:-) how about you when do you plan to apply have you got dependent as will if i rem;-) well goodluck to us and all here its been a struggling years for us :'( still:-$
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  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    aws very thanks for prompt reply sars:-Dyour an angel;-) you had enlighten my darked confuse mine lolzo_OO:-) how about you when do you plan to apply have you got dependent as will if i rem;-) well goodluck to us and all here its been a struggling years for us :'( still:-$
    Sorry moy..I mislead u on my first paragraph terpe and joe is make it easy,just fill in the forms mn1 for your daughter and AN for you.
    We will apply as soon as we completed our three years...its not later than october..yes goodluck to all of us.
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  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you have to be over 18 to apply for naturalization, she needs to be registered as british as terpe has posted

  11. #11
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you have to be over 18 to apply for naturalization, she needs to be registered as british as terpe has posted
    hello joe:-D now you make me confuse againo_O:-\ lolz so basically when i apply for naturalization ill have to register her as bri citizen right:-X and my concern is do i can apply her a british passport i know sars had reply just bit confusing at the moment:-P
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  12. #12
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    thanks Joe
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  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you can register her the same time when you apply for naturalization or any time after but before she is 18.

    how old is she ros and how long has she been in the uk ?

  14. #14
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you can register her the same time when you apply for naturalization or any time after but before she is 18.

    how old is she ros and how long has she been in the uk ?
    she was my dependent Joe as you know i came here in spouse visa rem had the ILR last year 3 YEARS this May of this year...what am after is for her to have british passport like her bro/sis as we plan to be out the europe hopefully..i know it been said can register as british citizen meaning after that she can apply with me with passport when i'll be approve for naturalised?:( pulling my hair at the moment as i been so confuse and with little time to gather inf..thanks for always supporting me though

    shes just turn 9 last march

    i know Terpe had said we could use diffrent form MN1 AND AN1 cant rem that a separate form to fill up?
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  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    still not answered my question anyway if she has been in the uk 2years or more and is under 18 then once you have been naturalized then you shouldn't have a problem registering her as British.

    sort your naturalization out first if you have the money then register her as British at the same time, if you don't have the money now to register her you can do it later

  16. #16
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    still not answered my question anyway if she has been in the uk 2years or more and is under 18 then once you have been naturalized then you shouldn't have a problem registering her as British.

    sort your naturalization out first if you have the money then register her as British at the same time, if you don't have the money now to register her you can do it later
    lols i had answer your question? i edited my reply shes been here for 3 years this May same as me shes 9 years old now is that ans your question
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  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    lols i had answer your question? i edited my reply shes been here for 3 years this May same as me shes 9 years old now is that ans your question
    that's what i thought - wanted to be sure , but if she was older say in her teens and she just came to the uk a yr ago or so, it might be better to wait til she was in the uk 2yrs or more, but shes only 9 so it doesn't effect her anyway, also she been in the uk more than 2yrs

  18. #18
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    that's what i thought - wanted to be sure , but if she was older say in her teens and she just came to the uk a yr ago or so, it might be better to wait til she was in the uk 2yrs or more, but shes only 9 so it doesn't effect her anyway, also she been in the uk more than 2yrs
    so Joe would you answer my question too after ill being naturalized and then apply for english passport should she be able too??
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  19. #19
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Hi Moy,
    My wife and step-daughter are in the same position as you. In June this year, having already obtained ILR, they will have been here 3 years. We will be applying for British Citizenship for both of them, my wife through naturalisation andmy step-daughter through registration. at the same time. The outcome is the same but the forms different, as i understand it. We will then apply for British passports for both of them.

    One we have done that we will be appying for dual citizenship to the Philippines Embassy, so they "retain" their philippine citizenship.

    A further complication for me is that my Step-daughter wants now to have the same surname as my wife and i and we are wondering when is the best time to change that.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Hi Moy,
    My wife and step-daughter are in the same position as you. In June this year, having already obtained ILR, they will have been here 3 years. We will be applying for British Citizenship for both of them, my wife through naturalisation andmy step-daughter through registration. at the same time. The outcome is the same but the forms different, as i understand it. We will then apply for British passports for both of them.

    One we have done that we will be appying for dual citizenship to the Philippines Embassy, so they "retain" their philippine citizenship.

    A further complication for me is that my Step-daughter wants now to have the same surname as my wife and i and we are wondering when is the best time to change that.
    hello lordna its good to know someone whose in the same boat as me too..with a little time it make you panic at times lols..shes the same she wants to be same as the surname of her bro /sis and were thinking through adoption which will do later on and focus on the stuff that we are goin to do this year..regards to your wife and family..let me know to when you be applying we might be on the same month lols from where your wife in the Philippines ..did she work here now..
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  21. #21
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    hello lordna its good to know someone whose in the same boat as me too..with a little time it make you panic at times lols..shes the same she wants to be same as the surname of her bro /sis and were thinking through adoption which will do later on and focus on the stuff that we are goin to do this year..regards to your wife and family..let me know to when you be applying we might be on the same month lols from where your wife in the Philippines ..did she work here now..
    I was advised that adoption is a lot more complicated and expensive, whereas change of name by deed poll is cheap and quick. My wife is from Tacloban, Leyte , the anniversary of their arrival in the UK will be June 7th so i guess we will apply then. My wife is working here doing about 35 hours a week. Kind regards.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I was advised that adoption is a lot more complicated and expensive, whereas change of name by deed poll is cheap and quick. My wife is from Tacloban, Leyte , the anniversary of their arrival in the UK will be June 7th so i guess we will apply then. My wife is working here doing about 35 hours a week. Kind regards.
    deed of poll?? what is that..? ah leyte she speak visayan then then thats from visayas area i am from davao city in Mindanao..
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  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Hi Moy,
    My wife and step-daughter are in the same position as you. In June this year, having already obtained ILR, they will have been here 3 years. We will be applying for British Citizenship for both of them, my wife through naturalisation andmy step-daughter through registration. at the same time. The outcome is the same but the forms different, as i understand it. We will then apply for British passports for both of them.

    One we have done that we will be appying for dual citizenship to the Philippines Embassy, so they "retain" their philippine citizenship.

    A further complication for me is that my Step-daughter wants now to have the same surname as my wife and i and we are wondering when is the best time to change that.
    probably b4 you register her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    probably b4 you register her.
    I'm just thinking out loud here.
    I wonder if there's any advantage in waiting until she is a British Citizen? Then she'd be eligible to change her name by UK Deed Poll. These papers are recognised by all UK government departments, and organisations, as well as by all British Embassies and High Commissions anywhere in the world.
    Also by the Passport Service, DVLA, Local Councils, Electoral Roll, Banks, Credit Cards etc.

    Of course Birth Certificates cannot be changed.

    I'm not sure if there are any age restrictions.

    Food for thought anyway.

  25. #25
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'm just thinking out loud here.
    I wonder if there's any advantage in waiting until she is a British Citizen? Then she'd be eligible to change her name by UK Deed Poll. These papers are recognised by all UK government departments, and organisations, as well as by all British Embassies and High Commissions anywhere in the world.
    Also by the Passport Service, DVLA, Local Councils, Electoral Roll, Banks, Credit Cards etc.

    Of course Birth Certificates cannot be changed.

    I'm not sure if there are any age restrictions.

    Food for thought anyway.
    Why wait until AFTER she is a British Citizen?

    Foreign nationals living in the United Kingdom can change their name by Deed Poll. This will be accepted as evidence of your name change and you will be able to have records changed into your new name.
    Before applying for a Deed Poll you should check with your country's high commission or embassy in London to see if a change of name by Deed Poll will be accepted to get your passport changed. Some foreign embassies require their nationals to have a solicitor witness the signing of their Deed Poll in order for it to be accepted. If you are unable to get your passport changed it is inadvisable to proceed with a change of name by Deed Poll as the change of name must apply to ‘all purposes'. Continuing to get records changed into your new name with other organisations could lead to problems on these grounds.

    Read more:

    I was going to apply for Deed Poll BEFORE the citizennship application. Then when dual citizenship application is made to the Philippine embassy the name is already changed and the new philippine passport will also be in the new name?

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'm just thinking out loud here.
    I wonder if there's any advantage in waiting until she is a British Citizen? Then she'd be eligible to change her name by UK Deed Poll. These papers are recognised by all UK government departments, and organisations, as well as by all British Embassies and High Commissions anywhere in the world.
    Also by the Passport Service, DVLA, Local Councils, Electoral Roll, Banks, Credit Cards etc.

    Of course Birth Certificates cannot be changed.

    I'm not sure if there are any age restrictions.

    Food for thought anyway.

    not sure if it really matters when you can her name, but for me getting her name changed by deed poll and then registering her as british would mean her registration certificate would be in her new surname and not her old one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not sure if it really matters when you can her name, but for me getting her name changed by deed poll and then registering her as british would mean her registration certificate would be in her new surname and not her old one.
    Yes, I know what you mean, but I thought you had to be British Citizen to do that Deed Poll.

    Maybe not I didn't check

  28. #28
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Hi Moy,
    My wife and step-daughter are in the same position as you. In June this year, having already obtained ILR, they will have been here 3 years. We will be applying for British Citizenship for both of them, my wife through naturalisation andmy step-daughter through registration. at the same time. The outcome is the same but the forms different, as i understand it. We will then apply for British passports for both of them.

    One we have done that we will be appying for dual citizenship to the Philippines Embassy, so they "retain" their philippine citizenship.

    A further complication for me is that my Step-daughter wants now to have the same surname as my wife and i and we are wondering when is the best time to change that.
    I sent an mail via the Philippines embassy London website but never got a reply , so today rang them to find out if it was acceptable to Philippines authorities to change a name by Deed Poll. Apparently the Deed Poll is NOT recognised by the Philippines so if my step daughter wants my surname Officially then I would have to adopt her. Consequently we will do this some other time after obtaining citizenship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I sent an mail via the Philippines embassy London website but never got a reply , so today rang them to find out if it was acceptable to Philippines authorities to change a name by Deed Poll. Apparently the Deed Poll is NOT recognised by the Philippines so if my step daughter wants my surname Officially then I would have to adopt her. Consequently we will do this some other time after obtaining citizenship.
    I know what you mean lordna, but just allow me some brainstorming and see what you think.

    You are all living here in UK.
    As a British Citizen, Deed poll is allowed and recognised (even by the passport office too).
    As a registered British Citizen your step daughter would have sufficient documentation to be known by whatever name she (you) chooses.

    There would be no real need for her to have a Philippine Passport at all at this time.
    (My wife still did not yet renew her Philippine passport.)

    So, I'm just wondering what it is that the Philippines/Philippines Embassy will not recognise?
    Her British Passport? Her Naturalisation Certificate?
    They don't do that anyway unless a new Oath Taking has taken place at the Embassy.
    At some time she may well wish to make an oath taking to re-acquire Philippine Citizenship.
    But that all in the future, and besides her Philippine Naturalisation Certificate will be sufficient for her to enter Philippines as a Philippine citizen even with a British Passport.

    Sorry just thinking out loud.
    I don't know how many twists and turns are involved with adoption, but it sounds like it might be a very challenging process.

    Just trying help.

  30. #30
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    as this changes and rule arises i am applying hopefully for citizenship..was granted ILR last year but this rule this oct would be implement soon would rather apply soon ..regardless of stress and money still we need to look forward and be positive..
    what rules this coming october?

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