Hi guys
I am trying to get my paperwork together for the application of our fiancee visa and I have hit a hurdle...provisionally booking our wedding date! We have friends that have done this with no hassle at all, but my local register office in Leeds seem to think this is not possible and will not entertain me on the subject.
This is the first reply I received from them when I asked about provisionally booking our wedding date...
Your fiancée will apply for a fiancée visa, which usually enables her to come over here to the UK, give notice with you at a designated office like Leeds. She would need to be present in this country and at one address for the period of 9 days. On the 9th day a notice would be given. A marriage can legally take place 16 days later.
I told them I didn't fully understand this and asked again if I could come the office and book our wedding date, to which they replied....
If you ring our contact centre on 0113 222 4408, and provisionally book a date for your ceremony, there will be a fee of £25 payable. The contact centre will then request a system letter to be sent out to you to confirm that a provisional date has been set for your ceremony. The letter will also sate a date that you have to give your notice by.
I thought great!!!!I can finally go and book it, but then 5 minutes after that reply I received another email from them from a different person who said....
Hello Drew - unfortunately the Registration Service is instructed by the Registrar General not to issue any documents to enable persons from abroad to obtain a visa to enter the country for the purpose of marriage. Please find attached a letter confirming this information which you, in turn can present to the Home Office/Consular Office.
So confusing!!If anybody can shed some light on this I would be very grateful, Thank you.