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Thread: Beep Beep Flash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    N Wales
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    How many have been done for speeding? How many times? Or do you know of any poor 90 yo's who got nicked for doing 31mph!!!

    Considering they are only supposed to be in accident blackspots, their is one on the way out of North Wales going to Liverpool hidden round a corner, in the trees!! They are supposed to be visible as a deterrent.

    One thing with this particular camera. If you pass it at 90mph on the opposite side it goes off, but it's not set up to get a picture of a car going the wrong way :lol:

    I've never been done in 20 years, and never will be

    One thing I hate is driving through an area you don't know and their are no speed signs. You know it's probably 50-70, but to be safe I do 30, this has the bonus of annoying the people behind me

    Keith & Ping

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  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Oct 2005
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    My wife was banned for a week for doing 67mph on the North circular at Pinkham way.
    They had been working on that stretch for a year and the cones were left stacked up on the hard shoulder for about 6 months with the speed reduced to 30mph.All 3 lanes were in operation.
    We went to court and I told her to stand up and defend herself, she always maintains she never went that fast anyway, but she would`nt say a word. Not that bad a result though, no points added just a weeks ban.

    Anyway 5 years on and its still all my fault.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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