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Just to answer your specific question.
Any cash savings used in a visa application leading to settlement MUST be held for a minimum 6 months.
I strongly suggest to 'hold fire' on selling up any shares or on cashing-in on any endowment policy.
It's important to understand that it's not SOLELY about securing the Financial Requirement for a spouse entry visa.
Unless there is an 'income-stream', you will both be living from those cash savings.
You need to consider how you will meet the same financial requirement when you come to make the follow-up FLR(M) visa application after 30 months of living in UK.
I strongly believe your husband needs to secure some employment.
That way, with earned income he can fulfil any shortfall in the £18,600 income requirement by means of cash savings and non-employment income (shares) without fully depleting his current assets.
Just food for thought. Have a discussion.
How old is your husband?