Well done to Mr. Farage also, for conducting himself in impeccable style and making the bloodthirsty press pack, media pundits, and 'professional' MPs from other parties look like a set of total tw*ts !![]()
Well done to Mr. Farage also, for conducting himself in impeccable style and making the bloodthirsty press pack, media pundits, and 'professional' MPs from other parties look like a set of total tw*ts !![]()
They got my vote![]()
I actually thought his performance on BBC this afternoon was outstanding when MP's from the other parties were trying to gang up on him. He dealt with them all quite comfortably and was quite dismissive of them all saying that Cameron had already reneged on a promised referendum on the EU and he was quite sure Millipeede would offer one as well in an attempt to get votes but none of them could be trusted.
I think it's refreshing that the three party hold on British Politics seems to be over and actually find myself looking forward with interest to the next election. It's great the way UKIP have really rattled the others.
Well, he said that he accepted that it would be a long time before they'd have anyone in Parliament, but it was enough for him if it meant that the politicians would start to take note of public opinion, rather than ignoring it.
A kick up the backside.
He says what he means, that's all. We're not used to that, and his 'politics graduate' opponents can't cope with it.
Well after all the things Cameron called them. He had this to say.
What a cretin. Well done UKIP.
i think he's just what our country needs![]()
indeed a very well done, you never know this is what all the parties needed a right kick up there arses to tell them listern to the people not yourself
Blimey, this is a bit tame for politics guys![]()
So if we're all agreed, I'll bring the meeting to a close and the drinks are on me.![]()
I love the main party idiots who are still saying it is a protest vote.... it just shows you how out of touch they are![]()
Keith - Administrator
yes i heard that to the famous PROTEST VOTE, what idiots, but remember they are still sorting out the last govenments mess , thats another famous saying
Ukip are gaining momentum, and have some good policies which represent the opinions of the public.
They need to rid themselves of people like Alex Wood to be taken seriously across the board.
The main parties need a stong competitor.
There's no denying that UKIP did well in the elections and it's likely that support for them is more than a protest vote. But when the real test comes in the general election, they'll be lucky to get a single MP. The majority of the British public know what a disaster their half-baked policies would be for the economy and the country in general.
Farage himself is a disgrace. I cannot believe that he was on TV celebrating the UKIP results whilst smoking a cigarette! Maybe he thought that this showed how down to earth he is, but I find it irresponsible and a terrible example to set.
It's not against the law to smoke.
Personally I find it worse that MPs who STOLE fom the public purse are still permitted to be in Parliament....which Mr. Farage is not.
A lot of people feel that the government approval of sodomy is setting a bad example.
Also, if you'd listened to Mr. Farage, you'd have heard him say that he didn't expect to win seats in Parliament. That wasn't particularly his goal. He wanted to CHANGE the way current MPs were treating the majority of the electorate (ie IGNORING popular sentiment).
Yes indeed, the other parties need someone with charisma, intelligence, great presentational skills, and CREDIBILITY. They'd better get searching NOW.
Plenty of time for Mr. Farage to recruit some more quality candidates.
Well, lets be honest Farage has also had his fair share from the trough. His policies also support 'sodomy'. But he does seem to be a fairly strong willed person with his desire to expose the corruption in the EU.
Anyway I thought it was a requirement to have a criminal record, preferably in fraud, to become a politician.
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