Ive been in business since 1983 and had a top end PC since maybe 1990. Sometimes when all else fails Ive had to go through the pain of a fresh install. I heard about a programme called REIMAGE which does basically all the work of a fresh install without the pain. Do watch the price mind as it can very each time you refresh your screen or visit the page. I delete all my cookies and visited and found that price was the best. I bought 3 copies and all for about £55 using Paypal. Using my debit card alone would have incurred an exra 20% Vat .

Good advice is use only one virus software and it makes sense I think to use Microsoft Security Essentials as its free and knows how best to deal with Microsoft. Avast and AVG are also superb.

Ccleaner is another must and finally dont miss out on Malwarebytes.