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Thread: Right to family life

  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Right to family life

    A bit of a serious question regarding if the financial requirement could not be met when applying for FLR if either one of you lose your job and have children who are British Citizens.

    Would your spouse be deported and your family ripped apart or would there be an alternative route, just a question and want to open this up to the forum?

  2. #2
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Although I can't answer that question I was told I'm on redundancy notice recently and our next stop is ILR.
    If I was out of work for a while would we be in the same boat?

    I doubt it to be honest but it's a minefield and wouldn't want to even try to answer it without doing a fair bit of reading first.

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    thats a terrible thought, i hope it never comes to that for any of you, surely it would be a matter for human and family rights,

    just a thought on that, would savings be allowed if had for any shortfall for ILR, in the same way it is for visa, i know thats all very well if savings are available

  4. #4
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Have a read on this:

    I don't know what happened to them after this news.
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  5. #5
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Just read that story bhem_bhem it makes scary reading mmm....

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you've got kids who are British citizens I think you'll probably end up on discretionary leave or the 10yr route, and possibly if you haven't, so no i don't think anyone will be deported, but it will take 10yrs to get ILR and cost a lot more

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    Have a read on this:

    I don't know what happened to them after this news.
    it looks to me she came on a visit visa and thought she would try and apply for a settlement visa in the UK, she should be sent back and apply for a settlement visa just like everyone else, just as everyone on here has had to, but as she has kids , she probably end up on discreationary leave for 10yrs.many on here have had to wait to get a job over £18.k and save and wait til they have bank statements, so why should these people be any different ?

  8. #8
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    I don't that David Cameron will be around much longer. And i am hoping things will change when Labour come to power. So i really don't think we can answer these questions until we have a Labour Government. I hope that will not be too long now.

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Labour won't back track on the immigration rules though, they'll just add more rules and costs as all governments do

    This financial limit will eventually get shown as illegal once it hits the courts, the same as the '21' age Labour brought in.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Tell you what sheldon if this shower get it again it will be time to abandon ship.

  11. #11
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    important thread this.

    this £18600 a year rule is seriously flawed--but i suppose the government had to start somewhere.

    how many people on those sort of earnings have any real savings--or equity in their house?

    so any one caught in the 5 year period who loses his job----a very real likelihood in my experience---could get to lose his wife as well???

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    That is very true. And what gets me is that europeans have more rights than our wives.

  13. #13
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    I don't know what Labour will do regarding the £18600 threshold. I am hoping they will change it. But even if they don't. They will be more understanding of Families who find themselves struggling to earn the £18600. (original thread)

    This has affected me so much,that i have joined the Labour party. I intend to fight this £18600 threshold all the way. I will do what i can. I am no politician but i have to do something.

  14. #14
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    ive written about this elsewhere--i now live on the state pension--so the only way i can beat the system is to sell my house to release the equity to meet the savings rule.
    i will need about £45000 in savings to sponsor my partner to come over on a fiancee visa.
    i then plan to rent a suitable house for us--including her kids.
    but--i still wonder what could happen if i snuff it in the 5 year period?

  15. #15
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I feel sorry for you bigmac. Its killing me to get my wife here too. Who knows what the government will do in april? change the rules again?. Just when you think you have made your plans they change it again. Its like a dog chasing its tail.

  16. #16
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheldon1 View Post
    I don't know what Labour will do regarding the £18600 threshold. I am hoping they will change it. But even if they don't. They will be more understanding of Families who find themselves struggling to earn the £18600. (original thread)

    This has affected me so much,that i have joined the Labour party. I attend to fight this £18600 threshold all the way. I will do what i can. I am no politician but i have to do something.
    Did joining the labour party help sheldon?

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    who knows what labour will do, there are no recourse to public funds anyway until a spouse gets ILR. so why bring in the £18k , only reason is to control immigration. but you should have a legal right to bring your spouse to the UK.

    labour scrapped a law when they first came to power.

  18. #18
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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  19. #19
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    I remember the old rule that Labour scrapped "The Primary Purpose "rule. If the Embassy staff could prove your purpose for marring your UK partner was economical and not love.. you where often refused.One trick question they asked my wife in Manila was..'Why do you want to go to the UK?.She answered.."I don't unless my husband goes there" some would reply..because they want a better life...(REFUSED)..Now it's been replaced by this min earnings clause.To be fair they have to do something.. our resources are being depleted by the rest of the world's immigrants.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Jack1969_uk's Avatar
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    We are waiting the result of our appeal was told it would take two weeks, we had the appeal on 16th Jan at Taylor House in London.
    Our appeal was based primarily on Article 8 A Right to a Private Life as our initial application was refused for FLR
    Also based on my medical background as the UKBA had said there was no reason that I could not go and live in the Philippines with my wife Bea.
    Over the past 12yrs I have suffered 3 heart attacks had 2 Angioplasty in July 2013 and recently diagnosed as had a mild stroke. All the stress of this UKBA ruling is killing me.
    The UKBA say go live there with your wife thats a great idea till you look at medical costs I,m on 7 tablets a day and will need them for life. so there goes one payout constantly next what happens if I have another attack whilst living out there and hospital bills will be sky high.
    If I pop my clogs how will Bea repatriate me back to UK simple answer she won,t as the cost would be too high.
    I have 3 kids from my first marriage and they gave statements to the Tribunal which was a farce as we spent 6hrs there waiting to be seen and when we were UKBA did,nt even turn up.
    The Judge went ahead with the case and reserved is judgement now we sit everyday waiting for that judgement and its killing me
    Fight for your Article 8 rights if you have medical problems you can include that.
    March 3/4 Parliement will discuss reducing the 18,600 to 13,400 lets hope they see sense and do this immedietly as there causing crisis after crisis to all families involved in this stupid goverment rule

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    it looks to me she came on a visit visa and thought she would try and apply for a settlement visa in the UK, she should be sent back and apply for a settlement visa just like everyone else, just as everyone on here has had to, but as she has kids , she probably end up on discreationary leave for 10yrs.many on here have had to wait to get a job over £18.k and save and wait til they have bank statements, so why should these people be any different ?
    This folks is why it can be so difficult for some to get a visit visa. Abusers messing it up for everybody else

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