Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
THIS IS NOT TRUE! No agency would be able to process your visa quickly and would give you more chances of approval! The decision would be based solely on your documents that you'd submit. You don't need to use an agency. Most applicants here didn't use an agency and their visas were approved (including me). Search here in the forum all the things that you need to know regarding spouse visa. I'm sure folks here know more than any agency that could offer you. YOU & YOUR FIANCEE are the one who need to gather all the documents anyway, the agency will just compile and submit it for you.
Totally agree with this. .

Don't ever think that an agency will avoid refusal. Plenty of folks here used an agency and got refused.

As Rayna said, your supporting documents determine the outcome.

If you and /or your husband have complex circumstances that are challenges to making a compliant application then a properly qualified UK immigration advisor can help.
Alternatively, if neither yourself nor your husband has time to understand the process, then again a qualified UK immigration advisor can help.

If your application is straightforward you don't need an agent.

Good luck whichever route you take.